How to Break Into Investment Banking in 2025 with Zero Experience and a Non-Target Degree

Breaking into Investment Banking is so insanely competitive that even Goldman’s, current CEO was rejected by The Firm twice thousands apply every year for just a few spots, and in order to stand out, you need every Edge that you can get, and so in today’S video I’m, going to give you 10 crucial tips. You’ll need for breaking into banking.

In case you,’re new here my name is Ben and I’m a former JP Morgan investment banker.

I was also the JP Morgan UC Berkeley recruiting Captain for 2 years, and so I.’ve not only participated in recruiting processes, but also LED.

Several recruiting processes as well with that said, let’s go into tip number one, which is understanding the banking industry, if you’re completely starting from scratch, learning what Bankers do and what the culture is like is essential.

So you know what you’re getting yourself into and, as you dive deeper and deeper into recruiting, you’ll learn that there are a lot of important nuances when it comes to each Bank office and group.

You recruit for for example knowing.

That pjt New York restructuring is one of the top groups that many Harvard and Wharton students would take over Goldman Sachs but that pjt, m is not it’s something you can’t.

Really know until you,’ve done a lot of research spoken with bankers and you know maybe watch some of my YouTube.

Videos next on the list, is figuring out your entry point and I’m going to break this down into those who are in college and those who have graduated first to cover the basics.

There are three crucial recruiting timelines for college students. The first are diversity and Early Access leadership programs which are easy to get into and are great resume.

Boosters second is Junior Summer internship recruiting, which is what leads to the most full time offers, and then there is full time recruiting senior year, which has the fewest spots, and so is the hardest path to banking from College banking timelines have been moving earlier and earlier.

Every year and in 2025, you can expect recruiting, for junior summer internships to start in the fall of your sophomore year, and the majority of offers at top firms will be given out before the spring.

And so this means that you need to start preparing for interviews.

As early as your freshman summer, because you’re going to be so busy networking and attending all those info sessions in the fall of your sophomore year now, if you’re already out of college, then transitioning into banking can happen in one of two ways: The first is by applying to a lot of small boutique investment Banks and then laterally to larger and more prominent Banks.

The second is by getting a master’s degree, do something like a MERS in finance or an MBA, which would be the largest investment, but highest probability path to success.

After you know your entry point, you can then create a timeline for when you need to ramp up networking and interview prep, so you can really maximize your chances because the vast majority of offers are given out during very specific times of the year.

All right.

I hope you’re enjoying this video so far and I’m guessing you’re watching this video because you’re interested in breaking into Banking, and on that note I’m really excited to announce that I’m launching my new one On one mentorship program called the banking accelerator, where I help determine students, graduates and early career professionals, secure Investment, Banking roles that can earn you over 150 000 in your first year on the job, regardless of your School degree or past experience.

My personal guarantee is that if you don’t land a banking job in 180 days or less my team – and I will work with you for free until you succeed – I’ll discuss this more at the end of the video. But if you’re looking to get started right away, you can click on the link in this video’s description where I’ll be explaining all the next steps in detail all right now, going back to the video an often overlooked tip at number.

Three on the list is joining the best business organization you can on campus.

These orgs are important for three reasons.

First, they’re going to have internal resources that have been handed down for years and you can really benefit a lot from them.

Second, alumni will be more willing to speak with you and connect you with other bankers and third being surrounded by like minded peers and classmates.

Your age who are recruiting with you, will keep you accountable and also make the intense recruiting process feel a lot more bearable.

I would highly suggest seeing where the orgs at your school have sent their alumni to and try to join the business orgs who have performed the best.

I personally did this myself and it was a huge game changer for me when I was recruiting next up on the list is maintaining as high of a GPA as possible.

Back when I was at JP Morgan, our standard rule was that if you had a 3 3 or below your resume would get thrown into the trash 3 3 to 37 meant you needed to have strong Finance experiences or have networked really hard to get an interview.

And above a 3 7 would check off the GPA box and move the candidate into the first quartile if they had solid experiences and internships and these standards can be generally applied to most top Bank thanks now, given that Junior Summer internship recruiting is now so early, What this means is that, if you’re just starting College, your freshman year GPA is super super important. So, honestly, I would try to take some easy classes and, if you’re older than that, keep boosting that GPA as much as you can to maximize your chances.

Next, up on the list is arguably the most important one and that is to add, as many Finance experiences to your resum as you possibly can.

If you think about it, what good is preparing for interviews and knowing how to build the financial model? If you can’t even get an interview in the first place, Bankers are extremely risk averse when hiring because of the industry.’s notorious work culture.

The last thing a banker wants to do is hire someone who didn’t know what they were getting themselves into and that they had to work 80 to 100 hour a weeks and then eventually quit, and so, as a result, Finance experience on resum s is Super super important, and so here’s a list of tangible things.

You should try to add to your resume from most to least important internships at investment Banks inter ship in other Finance Industries like private Equity or equity research, internships that involve a finance role like fpna, at a tech firm, placing in the finals or winning Investment Banking Case competitions, diversity, Early Access and Leadership events, you’ve attended at Blue Chip Banks like Goldman or JP Morgan leadership, roles at business organizations or a finance role in a college org and last but not least, Financial modeling and valuation related courses and certifications.

One once you have a strong banking ready resume, you’re more likely to receive responses during recruiting season from Bankers you reach out to and so networking effectively and having a strategy is the next point on the list.

One thing I have to note is that nowadays, networking’s importance has decreased at many bulge bracket Banks due to digital interviews that lead straight to Super days, but it’s still important in general, in the banking recruiting process, and especially at Elite Boutique Banks.

Networking itself could be an entire video on its own, so I’m going to leave you with three of my most important tips.

First, when it comes to info sessions, find your school’s, recruiting calendar ASAP and attend all the ones you can at the info session itself, try to make the best impression possible, but because there’s so many people, you’re, often going to be Forgettable, so your goal should be actually to try to get business cards and emails to set up one on one calls or coffee chats.

Once you’re able to set up these chats either from these info sessions or from cold emailing, your goal should be to make these conversations casual and get the banker to like you. This is 100 times more important than trying to ask a super super smart question, because Bankers work so much with each other and see each other more throughout the week than their families that what’s most important to them is them seeing that they can be.

Besides you for so many hours during the week, and you have to make them want to refer you to other Bankers, the last tip is more of a logistical one, which is to make sure you’re, sending three types of emails to each Banker.

First, confirmation emails the day before your speaking with them.

Second, thank you emails.

Whenever you chat with them and then third update emails, whenever you finish interviews or secure an offer at the bank, even if you get rejected and don’t end up working at a bank, these connections you make can always lead to offers in the future.

If you let’s, say full time recruit after your Junior Summer, internship, so maintaining these relationships are super super important.

The next tip on the list is to be ready for all kinds of interviews.

While in the past, Banks would only do first round phone interviews and then final arounds in person, covid 19 changed everything for the most part bullish bracket Banks send candidates higher views, AKA digital recorded interviews, where you answer a handful of Behavioral and Technical questions and record Them on your laptop and with this plus your resume, they decide who get sent to superday AKA final round interviews, some Elite boutiques have digital interviews as well, but many still do first round interviews which are then used to determine who gets sent to the super days.

Some banks also have their final round interviews on Zo zo, While others are in person.

So in short, you just need to be ready for everything. Next on the list, you’re going to have to craft a bulletproof story as to why you want to work in banking.

Why do you want to work 80 to 100 hours per week? Do you want to do this for the money or the prestige, or do you actually care about finance and know what you’re getting yourself into? Do you just want to dip after 2 years and go into private Equity? What’s your story? Trust me when I say that these are the thoughts that go through every Banker.’s mind when they’re interviewing candidates, and you need to have a convincing answer as to why you’re interested in banking, and there are three important components to a good answer.

First is what or who inspired you to pursue Finance such as investing in the stock market and wanting to learn more or an older sibling or Mentor? Who works in finance.

Second is how you acted on those interests, for example, Finance roles in organizations case competitions or finance.

Internships, third is what you want to gain from Investment Banking and why such as gaining exposure to high State transactions that shape industry to maximize your learning right out of college next on the list, is to master, not memorize technicals.

In order to truly do well.

In interviews, you need to understand technical Concepts rather than just memorize answers from a PDF guide.

Bankers can immediately tell when a candidate is just reciting a script versus when they actually know their stuff and with so many information and resources out there available banking interviews are just getting harder and harder every single year.

Reading about the technical Concepts is really just table.

Stakes – and so here are a few things I suggest to stand out against your peers: first go to bam, com or Edgar and briefly read through 10 q,’s and 10ks of your favorite companies and go through their financial statements. Second, build simple Financial models and play around with the assumptions to see the concepts in practical application, and then third ask your classmates and your peers for the hardest technical mock interviews.

You can they can possibly give you, especially if they successfully have recruited for banking, because it’s always better to fail during practice than during the real thing.

Last but not least on the list always make sure to maintain your Poise.

The entire Investment Banking recruiting process is a grind and intense, and there will be a lot of moments when you may be nervous, especially if you make a mistake during interviews.

What you need to remember is that, at the end of the day, Investment Banking is a client service, oriented business, and so Bankers are looking to see if you are confident and can be put in front of a client when the time is right, bankers will often Ask tougher and tougher questions in interviews to see if you get rattled and it’s? Okay, if you’re, not perfect, because you don’t need to answer every single question right in order to get an offer to practice, keeping your composure, I recommend doing at least 10 mock interviews before your first interview and going through as many interview processes As you possibly can, even if they’re, not in banking, so you can build this muscle and build your confidence.

Over the past 10 years I’ve used the 10 tips.

I’ve just discussed and more to help over 100 students secure offers.

At top firms like Morgan Stanley, evercore and Goldman Sachs – and I also served as the JP Morgan UC Berkeley recruiting Captain for 2 years.

So hopefully, with this video, you can tell that I know a thing or two about what it takes to break into Banking and now, for the first time ever, I want to offer my personal guidance to you with my mentorship program, the banking accelerator.

I kep the number of spots to 15 people, because that’s the only way for me to be able to really focus on each one of you guys and help you get incredible results since I’ll be working with each of you personally, and so, If you want to learn how to tailor your resume to banking, so you land interviews, leave Lasting Impressions with Bankers when networking crush your interviews and land, your dream, job or internship, build wealth and pay off all of that pesky student debt. So you can live life on your own terms.

Work on nine and 10 figure deals, build lifelong industry connections and set yourself up for elite exit opportunities on the buy side.

Then check out the link in this video’s description deson.

In order to get in touch with me and my team looking forward to those of you who join and working with you and for the rest, thank you as always for tuning in and watching and see you in the next video Music .

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How To Build A Website With WordPress – Part 2 (WordPress Installation & Settings)

welcome to another easy build video where you can learn how to build a professional grade website quickly and easily without any prior experience or coding required I'll be adding new content to this channel on a regular basis so if you want to keep up with the latest website building tips and tools just click the like And subscribe buttons below the video all right continuing on now the fun part we get to actually set up WordPress here so you can get to your Hosting account several different ways in here uh one is by hovering over this emblem I just mentioned and click go to C panel or simply go to your hosting list on the left uh menu and you'll also see a link right there so you want to go to your C panel and now you're going to see a different screen and this is a different dashboard than your actual name CH dashboard and this is where we're going to install WordPress and a quick note I already pulled this up um this is the domain that I'm going to be building out and you should see a screen something like this um after you register your domain and set up hosting it's just going to be a you know a page like this with very little information that is normal once we get WordPress set up you'll start seeing changes after that all right so in your C panel right here under scripts you want to click on WordPress and takes you to this page if you have multiple installations of WordPress it will allow you to manage them from here what we're going to do is a fresh install and want to make sure to use the https version and if it's not showing up once again it probably means that your SSL certificate is still in that pending status so if that is the case if you don't see https right here uh just wait you know like I said another 10 to 20 minutes and come back and check again but you do want to pick the secure version that's what gives you this little lock up here um you definitely want that and if you're going to build an e-commerce site it's re you have to have that on there now using the www before your domain that is just a personal preference there's no advantage or disadvantage either way I prefer I set up all my sites without it um it's shorter so I am picking the non www version and I am actually building out this site right here easyb buildworks this right here is very important you want to leave this blank and you do not want anything in this little box right here because basically what that means is people will have to navigate to easybuild Works WP to view your site and you don't want that you want it on your root domain so leave this empty the version you're just going to leave the most recent it's usually prepopulated with that um go ahead and fill in your site name I'm just going to put my domain name for the moment description this is just like a tagline um you know you can just type in whatever you want you can you can go back and change this at any time in the WordPress settings so this is not uh super important at this point in [Music] time you don't want to enable any of these options right here and it's going to pre-populate an admin name and password um I'm just going to leave all that right now I can go back and change that later it gives you a list of plugins that you can install along with WordPress um you can always go back at any time and add additional plugins after you've installed WordPress so if you don't get something installed here that's completely fine I usually leave this limit login attempts checked what that does if somebody's trying to hack into the back end of your site just by guessing a password um you can have this plug-in here set up to where it will limit that so for instance if they type in like three times the wrong password it's going to lock them out for a specified amount of time I usually leave that checked the rest of them I don't worry about my particular hosting plan has automatic backups already set up and configured um if you didn't pick that one you can go ahead and choose this if you want um there's also some other options available for automatic backups which we can cover later Advanced options you don't want to actually yes you do want to change something here make sure these are set to Auto upgrade WordPress plugins and themes I'm going to go ahead and change this over here to any latest version not minor versions only the only risk here with auto updates is sometimes if there's some kind of conflict between a plug-in update and the WordPress core files you may you know you may have an error and your site could go down temporarily uh in which case there would be some technical troubleshooting to do to fix it that is not very common I've been doing this for quite a few years now and it's it's really very uncommon but it could happen but that is also why I chose the plan with the automatic backups uh already enabled because then if there is an issue you simply go choose the last working version and within a few clicks you got your website back up and going regardless I'm going to auto update everything otherwise you have to go into the WordPress dashboard and manually do it I'm going to leave these set here like it is this automated backup section ction because I already have that enabled in my Hosting account not going to select a theme at this time we'll do that from within the dashboard dashboard all we're going to do is finish getting this um installed here so go ahead and click install and this is going to take a bit so why this is installing that actually went really quick so after it's installed you should see a screen very similar to this and just tells you it's been successfully installed at easyb buildworks in my case so this second link here uh whatever domain you use it's going to have your domain first and then SL wpen admin slash what this link is is the uh takes you to the backend or the dashboard of your WordPress installation so I'm going to click that and it should automatically log me in which it did all right so WordPress is now installed on your site and if you go to the the front end of your site you know just the uh easybuild dotworks without the the wp admin this is what you know users are going to see they're not going to see your dashboard so I'm just going to refresh this and there we go so WordPress is installed this is just a default theme we're going to change all of this uh throughout the tutorials here so what I usually do you can go ahead and close your uh softaculous screen there or your C panel screen when I'm working on a site I like to personally have a tab open for the front end of the site here and then one in the back and as you'll see throughout this you'll pick up on the reasons why it's just a lot easier and quicker for certain things so I'm going to leave that up there we're going to head back to the dashboard here and the first thing I want to do is add a new user go down here to users all users and usually I do this during the installation process but in this case I just left the default uh autogenerated username and password in there uh just to show you guys how to add a new user if you want to down the road this is where you do it from so here is that auto generated user click on add new user and and just go through here and fill all this out um there's two required Fields here you can either use the autogenerated password or back out of it or erase it and type your password here obviously that's not going to be my password so type in whatever you want in these fields um whether or not you want an email for documentation sent to you the role here is very important you want this if if you're using this for yourself you want this to be an administrator account that gives you full access to everything in the dashboard otherwise um depending on which level here you pick you'll be limited on what you can and can't do in the dashboard and this is for other functions you know depending on what you're using your site for down the road we'll get into those at at some other point in time for right now if you are adding a different User make sure they're an administrator next we're going to go through some settings before we get into any uh adding any content or design features or anything of that nature always go through these settings over here in the leand side and make sure everything is how I want it some of these we're going to leave alone but uh we will make a few changes here so go ahead and click on the settings General tab okay and as I was explaining during the installation process when we were in the cpanel dashboard this is where you can change your site title or your tagline at any point in time so if you ever want to alter that you just come back here and change it if you decide you want a subdomain or like the www part in front of your domain you can add it here you just need to make sure that they match in both of these boxes right here I don't recommend using that but it's you can if you want these are pretty self-explanatory um unless you have some kind of membership site leave this box unchecked that's a little bit more advanced and it's not something we're going to cover in this tutorial right here you can go through and change your time zone and date format and time format this is just personal preference here when writing a blog post WordPress will naturally or inherently includes some metad data which usually includes the date and time of your post so that's what this is referring to so this is just is whatever your personal preference is so go ahead and set these how you want and click save changes all right moving on to the settings and then writing tab this is not something I usually mess with right here so let's go to reading and same way there I'm not going to change anything okay on the discussion tab this is where I make some new changes on this site I am not allowing people to submit comments on new posts I'm also going to check this box here users must be registered and logged into comment and also down here comment must be manually approved between those three we shouldn't have any issues with comments showing up go ahead and click save changes media this is just discussing your thumbnail sizes and things of that nature I'm not going to change any of those settings permal links is where we will change something this simply refers to page name structure and how your web address will appear for you know different pages and posts that you might create and that's what's going to show up here by default I have the day and name option selected um that's not real helpful when it comes to SEO or search engines being able to index your sites and sort through content I prefer either the post name or custom structure here and more often than not use the custom structure because I like to also include the category so we're going to highlight this just delete all that and you can see they have several available tags um we're going to click category and post name what that'll do as you see later when we create posts uh you got to assign post to a certain category or will you pick a category and so this structure here will automatically add the category name um before the post name so that is good for SEO and just generally organizing your content so we're going to leave that with category and post name go down here to save changes okay back to the settings menu under privacy we are are not going to do anything here um what will happen here as we create a a privacy page we can come back here and assign it to this particular setting here light speed cach all that is uh a caching mechanism simply speeds up your website uh we're not going to mess with that right now everything is on this was installed by default we're going to leave that alone if you want to learn how to quickly and easily build your own website or online store from start to finish join us at easybuild dworks hope to see you there

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Experience 2 – Staining HD (c) ix2020

We’re going to start looking at what’s important in experience, 2 and basically experience 2 says how do we see bacteria? We talk about staining when we look at the size of things that we’re going to deal with. You can see over here all sorts of things that go from the tiny little atom.

On the left hand, side all the way up to great big tree depending on what it is.

We need different ways of being able to observe it.

This uses different types of microscopes.

We’re, going to use a compound light microscope.

That really, for our point of view, goes from about a micron up, and you can see in here that we’ve got some photographs of some different materials that were all taken with a microscope.

So we need to be able to differentiate things because of the size they’re at.

Why do we stain bacteria? Well, we’ve got some reasons here.

It says bacteria cells are very small, 1 to 10 microns.

They are clear or transparent as our most microbiological specimens, so we apply stain, which is really a colored dye to improve contrast and increase visibility that’s, why we apply stains and a very easy way to look at it in the atlas it says, microbes are Too small to be seen by the unaided eye and because cytoplasm is essentially transparent, viewing cells with standard like microscope is difficult without stains to provide contrast once stained, we can look at things like cell morphology and size and arrangement, and other things like that. Now let’s look at some prokaryotic shapes.

There are a few basic shapes that we always see caucus the pluralist cosi is a round shape.

It’s, basically one to one.

They look like these little tiny spheres, all next to each other.

We have the coco bacillus, which is about twice as long as it is wide.

We have the bacillus, the plural is bacilli, which is about three times or more longer than it is wide.

And if you look at bacilli, they often look like these little tubular shapes.

We have the vibrio, which is kind of a comma shape, not really regular, but rather it tapers.

To one end, we have what is called the spirulum.

The spirulum is a curved shape where it’s a kind of bacillus that has been twisted or wrapped around. The spirulum often has a corkscrew like shape and polar flagella.

These are not flexible.

The spirochete is elongate and thin.

It’s kind of twisted on an axis so that it gives it more of a stretched out elongate spring kind of look.

These are very flexible and we have pleomorphic and pleomorphic says that the shape varies.

One of the things we often talk about is cellular arrangement.

In this particular case.

If you look at a caucus, a caucus can divide on one of three different planes.

You call it an xyz axis: if you get single division, we get single ones like that.

You can have single ones where they kind of hold together, and we call that a diplococcus or a diplococci. You can have them where they form together in chains, and we call that a streptococcus or a streptococci.

You could have them where they divide in two planes, but they hold together, in which case we’d, call it a tetrad or three planes and hold together, and we call it a sarcina, and this is kind of a packet of eight and you can get These in eights and sixteens going up like that or you can get them dividing in three planes where the three planes really aren’t at right angles to each other, then we would call that a staphylococcus with bacilli, since they’re elongate.

You can get the single bacillus, you can get a diplobacillus, you can get a streptobacillus where they divide down like that.

But again you won’t get much different than that because they’re only dividing kind of like links on a sausage.

We have a palisade in the palisade is where they kind of go up and they stack and they kind of stay together that’s kind of difficult to see.

Unless you’re very careful when you make the preparation of these one of the things we deal with is preparation of a bacterial smear.

Now watch the video on that, because it really shows you how to do it.

This is going to give you a overview.

It’s get a microscope slide and clean it.

You transfer bacteria using aseptic technique. You light the bunsen burner, you flame, the loop, you let it cool down a little bit.

You remove the material out of the culture, you smear it on a drop of water.

On the slide you allow it to air dry, then you heat fix it, draw it through the long way three times and you’re going to get your slide that you can use.

You make the smear you, let it air dry, you heat fix it, and we show you all that in that video.

Your slide should look something like this.

In the end, simple staining, when we do simple staining, we add only one dye to the specimen.

We flood the slide with dye, we let it sit for 30 to 60 seconds, we rinse it, we blot dry, and then you can see it.

We also have differential, stains and differential stains, add more than one color, and that gives you differentiation based on some feature of the cell, as this includes acid, fast stain, which will show up mycobacterium.

The waxy wall on the mycobacterium really does not take up the gram stain, even though these should be gram.

Positive. The acid fast procedure allows them to take up stain.

We have an endospore stain which shows you the endospores on the inside, and you see these little openings in there.

That is really where the stain was not taken up and since the stain was not taken up, you get a look like this.

We’ve got capsule stain and on the capsule stain it stains everything else, but what you want to see by staining everything else.

What you want to see, which is clear, is going to show up and we’ve got a flagellus stain in the flagella.

Stain basically makes the flagellus stand out by adding thickness to it, and that way we could see what the flagella look like.

We also do the gram stain gram stain that says.

There are four major steps.

We have the primary stain, which is crystal violet.

We have a mordant fixer, iodine potassium iodide, which is a material we call grams iodine and that basically is going to complex the crystal violet to keep it in place. Our decolorizing agent is ninety five percent alcohol.

The counter stain is safer way.

It works is like this.

We’ve got two different cell walls on these.

Now you can see on both of these.

You have a cell membrane down at the bottom, then, on top of that, you’ve got a layer of peptidoglycan the layer of peptidoglycan.

In the bottom picture is thin: it’s thick on the top picture.

You add the crystal violet to it.

The top picture gets flooded with crystal violet.

It gets held in place on the bottom picture. It’s going to get a little in there.

It’s not going to get a whole lot because you’ve got another membrane.

On top of it, then you add your iodine.

It’s going to complex it into position.

You decolorize, with, alcohol and when.


Do that it’s going.

To destroy, the? Outer? Lps? Layer? On? The? Bottom? One? Which? Is? Going to, allow the? Stain to? Leak out, and on? The top, one it? Still remains stained, then you go and you add the counter stain, which is pink and pink on purple leaves purple pink on clear, leaves pink, so gram positive is purple.

Gram, negative is pink general run through one minute, one minute less than 30 seconds.

One minute watch the video and it shows you exactly how to do this. One of the things we often look at is on these four major steps.

What color do things have it says if you start out with the cells on the slide, you’ve got.

No color to it, you add the primary stain it stains, everything purple, you add the grams iodine, it leaves everything purple, you add the alcohol to decolorize it and it’s going to take the color out of the gram negative bacteria, but not out of the Gram positive and then, when you add the counter stain the pink on the purple, is going to not change color, the pink on the clear is going to give it a pink color.

If we have any problems with this – and this is one of those things that sometimes happens – we want to deal with a culture that ideally is between 24 and 48 hours.

Sometimes that’s a little bit difficult, because sometimes the culture is a little older, and if you do that, you may not get a good result.

If you heat fix it for too long, you will actually cook the bacteria and that’s going to leave them come out as a gram negative too much alcohol, which is very easy to do.

We call that over decolorization over to colorization it’s going to leave it as a gram, negative bacteria if the reagents are too old, that can be a problem as well as can, if you don’t, add the iodine.

So when you do this, you have to make sure that you do everything in the proper procedure in the proper way in order to be able to get the best result out of it.

So when we look at bacteria and staining bacteria, they’re small, they’re transparent.

You know we have to add the stain to improve contrast, so that we can visualize many different ways of doing this. This is, in a nutshell, as a couple watch the videos, because the videos really show you how to do the procedures.


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Standard Website VS High Quality Website – Whats the difference?

today we're going to go through what's the 
difference between a standard website and   a high quality website so there's many things 
that go into um building and creating a website   that works well for a business um there's also a 
lot of uh differences between a low quality and   a high quality website and unless you understand 
um the core Basics that go into building websites   and the differences between uh a lowquality 
and a highquality website uh it's very hard   to um justify uh the different um proposals 
that are put towards businesses from um low   cost to High Cost U websites and everything in 
between so what goes into building a new website   the standard inclusions now you should always 
get these these are the beer Basics you should   always get core Pages for a website for a business 
these are non-negotiables you should always have   these Pages um and we'll go through them now and 
I'll go off a uh example website that I've just   recently built so here's a website we recently 
built for a client we've got call Pages like the homepage at the services page we've got the abas page and we've got the contact us page so these are the core Pages at all 
websites um for all businesses um for any   service based business especially um you need 
to have these call Pages that's non-negotiable   um you could have the about us page as a section 
in the homepage uh but other than that um what   I basically explained there is the bare minum 
what you should get from any uh website builder   your design should be well laid out the colors 
should flow they should be representative of   the business the brand and all the copywriting 
should be easy to read with colors making it   easy uh to understand what's written so many 
times you see websites where the uh the colors   of the fonts are uh just don't allow you to uh 
to read it because of the background color for example copyrighting needs to be unique 
and original for the company cannot be   plagiarized and you cannot copy it from elsewhere 
uh you can use copywriting from elsewhere um as   a start to get you started for creating your 
own copywriting but it needs to be unique it   cannot be copied or playar otherwise it will 
be penalized uh by Google it needs to be mo   mobile responsive your website must be mobile 
responsive between 50 to 80% of all uh browsers   on Google these days are using mobile phones so 
this is a non-negotiable all websites need to be   responsive responsive if anything websit should 
be built around mobile first and desktop second   so I'll give you an example here of another 
website we've just recently built as you can   see here it's automatically adjusting depending 
on the size of the screen for the device that's   viewing it so all websites need to be mobile 
responsive okay so what makes a high quality   website better than a lowquality website the first 
one and the major one is highquality websites rank   higher on Google and specifically with inbuilt 
SEO um helping them to rank on Google lowquality   websites generally don't have any SEO builtin uh 
for example with meta titles descriptions site   structure uh content Rich Pages uh Etc without 
that uh sort of inbuilt SEO you get a very low   chance of ranking on Google and I'll give you an 
example here so here's an example for a client   of ours um that's them at the very top Regional 
liquid waste we built their website they wanted   to rank on um page one of Google ideally at the 
very top they're ranking number one now which   is fantastic um and as you can see here we've 
got professionally crafted copywriting for the   uh meta title and also the meta description now 
that's left out from so many businesses um and   without that Google has a hard time understanding 
what the page or the business uh website's about   and therefore um struggles to rank accordingly as 
you can see down here we'll scroll down to Steve's   liquid waste um he's got no uh meta title and the 
description that's not set Google's just pulling   that from their website so there's they've got 
no title or description set for their meta tags   um so that's uh that's really hurting them as far 
as Google is concerned this company here has been   around a lot longer than this company here and so 
they should be at the top but they're not because   they haven't they're lacking their SEO well if 
we go into their website and have a look it's   very small so it's content lacking there's only 
two pages and there's no no more navigation up   here there's no about us page there's no About 
Us section there's no contact us page there's no   contact form it's lacking a lot of things there's 
no privacy policy or terms and of conditions it's   lacking a lot of things that Google is expecting 
and wanting um and therefore that's why they're   not ranking high on Google they're lucky in the 
sense that they're ranking at all on Google only   because it's low competition there's not many 
other companies that are actually competing   um highly on it as far as SEO uh so that's 
why they're appearing on on page one but if   if a couple of these other companies decided to 
kick up their SEO game and do some work on their   um on their website here's another one of our 
customers golden plane septics um if a few of   these other guys here decide to kick up the SEO 
um Steve's liquid way wouldn't even be there at   all so the next one would be higher conversions 
if a visitor is landing on this website here and   then they're looking at Regional liquid waste 
which is our customers ranking at the very   top Regional liquid waste has a high much higher 
chance of rate of uh converting customers because   we've got specifically targeted copywriting with 
Benefits not just what they do but also mainly   how they benefit to what service Services they 
offer and do for their customers that's how you   convert custom uh visitors into paying customers 
it's not just we pump out your septic tank it's   we maintain your septic tank so it doesn't get 
blocked and we set you up with regular pump outs   every uh two years and that way we avoid any um 
potential of your septic tank being blocked and   an overflowing septic tank so it's the benefit 
not just the pumping out of the septic tank it's   the benefit that uh and also you can see here that 
we' got make sure that every job gets done quickly   benefit cleanly benefit and minimum disruption 
to your family or business benefits it's all   about leading with Benefits that's how you convert 
higher anybody can write septic tank pump out or   we pump out your septic tanks where the best 
where the experts it's all about including benefits tracking tracking is another one all on 
all our clients websites we install tracking and   set them up with Google analytics right from the 
GetGo uh without tracking you have no idea how   your website is performing you can have the best 
performing website and not know about it thinking   your traffic is coming from Facebook putting 
more money into Facebook where it's actually   coming from or your organic ranking on on Google 
um you need to uh to have tracking installed on   your um on your website and we'll just show an 
example now of what that looks like so as you can   see here this is a a customer of ours um you can 
see that organically they're getting 80% of their   traffic from organic search that's from Google U 
they're getting 18% from direct so that's people   typing their uh website in directly or um and 
then you've got organic social in the pink which   is only a very small portion so without tracking 
you're not knowing where your traffic or if any   traffic is um is is happening on your website 
or or where the calls are coming from so with   tracking and custom website reports like what 
we do here for our customers every month when   we maintain their website um the customers know 
exactly how many calls how many form submissions   and where that traffic is coming from for their 
website so they understand the performance metrics   and the return of investment and so on so all 
websites must have tracking the next one is   how a high quality website gives you a much better 
Roi return on investment if your website is never   found on Google your Roi is most likely going 
to be 0 unless you're paying for ads and driving   traffic directly to your website your website is 
most likely having uh going to have an Roi of $0   you need to be on Google in order to be found 
there's no point in having a website that looks   fantastic or is built out perfectly or really well 
if nobody's landing on there Google is where 90%   of people are these days searching for services 
you need to be on page one of Google for your   main Services if your website does get traffic for 
example through paid advertising or whatnot uh but   has a low quality design then your conversion rate 
from VIs visitors to becoming paying customers   will be extremely low with a low R Roi to match so 
even if you're getting people to your website uh   through pay traffic it needs to be well structured 
welld designed to convert those people into paying   customers there's so many websites out there that 
are getting a high traffic but they're also losing   a lot of they got a higher bounce rate so a lot 
of people are just bouncing off because they take   one look at it you've got 3 seconds to or impress 
people and to keep them engaged and they're off   so you've got to keep people on there keep them 
engaged show them the services convince them that   you're the person that they need to call for that 
service and convert them um without that extra um   conversion copywriting in built um you're going to 
lose people if you even get people to your website   to start off with next one is how to justify an 
investment in a high quality website if a website   costs $5,000 and your average job value is ,500 
then your website will pay for itself with just   four jobs it's that simple so even though at 
the outset a $5,000 website sounds like a lot   if your average job ticket job ticket value is 
$1,500 you just need four jobs and that's paid   for itself you own the website it's just paid 
for itself anything more than that is a bonus   so for example if you get just one job a month 
through your website then your Roi is $113,000   for the first 12 months and then every year after 
that it's $188,000 a year all just from a $5,000 investment so now we go through a couple 
of examples of uh we let we'll have a look   at some results from uh from websites 
that I've built um showing you results   from three different tiered ticket item um 
clients of mine so the first one is the low   a low ticket uh customer and by low ticket I 
mean their average job um invoice is $300 so   that's how much they charge on average their 
customers so as you can see here it's a $300   average and they're getting on average in 
the last three months from this video they're   getting 39 new inquiries per month and at $300 
for each inquiry they get a potential revenue   of $11,700 a month a month so you can see how 
quickly a $5,000 website or a $10,000 website   even will pay for itself very fast we'll go 
to another example which is a medium ticket   um as you can see here the medium ticket the 
average uh ticket price is $1,500 an invoice   and over the last three months they' had had 
on average 11 new inquiries per month so that's   a potential revenue of $16,500 now obviously 
they're not going to close every single one of   these inquiries but even if they just closed half 
these websites are paying for themselves very very quickly and the next one our last example is a 
high ticket item of $5,000 uh as you can see here   over the last three months theyve ' had on average 
33 new inquiries per month this is a big business   they're doing some big numbers so 33 new inquiries 
per month at $5,000 per inquiry that's a potential   revenue of $165,000 a month if they closed all of 
those inquiries now like I said before they're not   going to close all of them but they're going to 
close a high percentage of them if they're good   at what they do and their prices are reasonable 
and affordable uh and on par with uh with the   competition then you look at that like you spend 
5 10 even if you spent $20,000 on this website   if you just got half of that that website's paid 
for itself five times over so to conclude having a   high quality website will give you a high Roi it's 
that simple and having a lowquality website is   likely to give you a low Roi so if you want a high 
Roi for your business if you want to increase your   Revenue by high margins you want a high quality 
website thanks for your time I hope this video   helped if you've got any questions or queries 
queries please do not hesitate to get in touch cheers

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Watch me build a website using Webflow in 1 hour (follow along)

So if you’re new to webflow. This tutorial is designed for you. We’re gon na go step by step, uh, starting from a blank page uh to building a completely fully functioning recipe blog, and let me quickly show you what the final product is. Gon na look like, and you’re, going to have a home page here, which is going to list out the different recipes that are in the back end of your webflow site and you’re going to be able to click into the specific recipe and See the photo and see information that you’re storing about that recipe like ingredients and then the uh description of how to actually uh make the recipe. And then you’re gon na have a navbar here to go back to the home page, and we’re also gon na build in these filtering pages here. So you can click on a specific cuisine of food and see the recipes that fit within that specific cuisine. So this tutorial is for complete beginners. So even if you have no flow experience at all or no web design experience, you’ve never built a website. We’re going to go step by step. I’m going to show you exactly how to do it, so don’t be intimidated and by the end, you’re going to know how to use webflow and how to build a site like this. On your own, so i hope you enjoy the tutorial. So what you need to do is first create a webflow account and it’s going to put you into the dashboard. Yours is going to be empty and then go ahead and click new project on the top right and then once you click new project go ahead and click blank site. We’re not going to use a template in our case, because i want to teach you the fundamentals of web flow from a blank site, and then you can always use that knowledge on a template later on. So i’m just going to name my project recipe site. You can name your project, something similar if you’d like and that’s going to drop you into the web flow designer and the designer might seem a little bit overwhelming at first with all of the different settings and buttons. But i’m going to walk you through what you need to know to build the website. So the first thing that i want to do is go ahead to the top left here to this add element button, and this is where all of the different web flow components are held and what we’re going to do is click on section and that’s going to drop a section into the body. Now, if you have built a website with css and html in the past, this is going to seem familiar and it might be a little bit easier for you to pick up webflow. But even if you haven,’t used css or html in the past, i’m going to walk you through what you need to know. So no worries, if you have no experience with that, webflow basically is a visual designer of css and html code. In fact, if you wanted to actually export your website once you are finished, you can export the code and host that code somewhere else. So webflow is essentially letting you use its tools to visually visually code. Essentially, so in html and css, you’re building using the box model and what a box model means is everything you put on. Your website is boxes within boxes and we’re going to use our styling to make our boxes. You know say and look what we want, how we want them to, and they’re going to be placed on the website, how we want them to you,’ll see what i mean as i keep going um. So first we have this section here at the top, and this is where we’re going to design our main header. So, within this section let’s go ahead and add a heading and a heading is just like it seems it is um. You know big text on your website that’s going to be a heading for a section and let’s give this h1 h1 through 6 is the size of the heading, and now let’s go ahead and add another heading. Let’s drag that right underneath and you can see it’s at the same indentation here right underneath the section which is exactly what we want and we’re going to go ahead and click h3 in this case, which is going to be our Subheading and here let’s just rename or edit the text here and let’s just call it my recipe blog and then under heading um, the best recipes um for you to cook at home perfect. So we’re not going to worry too much about the content here. It’s mostly about the design and understanding how webflow works. So now that we’ve created this structure of a section with a heading two headings within that section. Let’s go over to the styling here on the right side and what we’re going to do is go ahead and add a class and we’re going to name the class section. The reason classes are helpful in web flow is once you create the styling of this class. We can name other sections that same section class and they’re going to automatically take on the same styling, which is going to be really helpful, um for a lot of things in webflow that we create. We’re going to go ahead and add this section. We’re going to give it some padding. Now padding is space inside so here. If we hover, you can see it’s inside the box that those green lines are inside the section box that we just created – and i’m going to take that away. And if i add margin you can see if we hover over, that the blue lines are outside the box, so that’s the difference between margin and padding. So i’m going to go ahead and remove that real quick. So, in our case, what i want to do is add some padding, so let’s go ahead and i’m going to hold option. This is a little trick in webflow. If you hold option and and drag it’s going to automatically add the same padding on the left and right or the top and bottom depending on which side you’re on and if you hold shift it’s going to automatically add padding all The way around and we go ahead and remove that um so shift is on all four sides option or i believe it’s. Alt on a pc is going to be the top and the bottom. So i’m going to go ahead and add 50 pixels of padding on the top on the left and right. I’m going to go ahead and add why don’t, i say, 60 on the top and bottom, and this is going to be our section and then um. What i’m going to do is go ahead and add um a combo class and uh. I’m going to add pop and what a combo class does is. It allows us to add additional styling to our first class without editing that first class. So if we add um a background color here, which is what i’m going to do – go down to the bottom here with background under color, why don’t? I give this like a yellow background that’s a hex code. Hex codes are essentially codes that represent the color that you’re using on your website, and that is going to be a part of that top combo class. So if i create another section later on – and it doesn’t have that um that top combo class it’s going to have the same padding with no background. If i add top it’s going to add in that yellow background or any other styling changes that we want to change like on the top, if we want to add you know 200 padding and make it really long, we can do that. I’m gon na hit um undo to do that. You can undo anything or redo things in webflow, using either the keyboard shortcut, so command z or you can use uh these buttons here to redo and undo. If you make any mistakes. Okay, great! So you’re starting to understand kind of how to start adding content to your website’s home page now. What i want to do is actually add websites to the backend database of our webflow site, and we’re going to do this by using the content management system or the webflow cms, which is where we’re going to hold all of our data and That’s going to be dynamically displayed on our website and the way we do that is we go to the left bar here to this cms button. So we’re going to click cms and we’re going to create our first collection and go ahead and press that and we’re going to use one of webflow’s. Collection templates in this tutorial so go ahead and click recipes and webflow is going to automatically pull in some custom fields that are going to be helpful for our recipe and we can always edit these later. But for now this is going to be great for start. So here we have the name of the recipe. We have an ingredients area, we have a directions area. We have uh recipe, history that might be kind of some background information about the recipe we have the main image. We have the thumbnail image, whether it’s a featured recipe or not, and we have color color is something to edit, like the color of the buttons or the text. If you wanted to, i’m actually going to go ahead and delete that to delete what you want to do is go hit that settings and then just hit that trash can right there perfect. So here let’s go ahead and create the collection and we might add some more fields later on, but for now let’s go ahead and create the collection. We have zero recipes in our collection. Let’s go ahead and add a new recipe. So go ahead to the top right and let’s go ahead and add a recipe. So what i’m going to do is go find a recipe online and we’re going to use that as kind of a template. So that way we have some content to put in all right. So i’m getting a pesto recipe from bonapite com and i’m going to go ahead and enter in the name. It’s going to be called best pesto and let’s go ahead and add in the ingredients, and this is a rich text field and what that means is you can format your text directly in this field, so you can add a plus button. You can add images, you can add bullet points, which is what i’m going to do here and i’m going to go ahead and add in the recipe ingredients. So half a cup of pine nuts, it’s, three ounce parmesan, two garlic cloves. Six: six cups of basil, three fourth cup extra virgin olive oil and sure so that that’s, the ingredients section um for directions. I’m just going to go ahead and copy and paste in the directions from boneapetit com, and i’m going to go ahead and paste that in and here you can see because it’s a rich text field. If you highlight over text, you can see, this is a heading 4 and you can change the sizes if you’d, like as well. So this is a heading 4 Perfect for recipe history. I’m just going to leave that blank for now. I think we’re going to go back and delete that in our case we’re just going to remove the recipe history we can always. You could always add that back yourself, if you’d want later under main image, let’s go ahead and download an image of pesto and what i would recommend is let’s just go to unsplash com and they probably have some pictures here perfect. So i’m going to go ahead and download that and let’s go back to webflow and i’m just going to drag in our main image and i’m going to use the same image for the main image as the thumbnail image. Perfect and we’re just going to leave that unchecked for now, so i’m going to go ahead and and create that and then, like i said, let’s edit and remove that recipe history field. So let’s edit that settings here under recipes um and then let’s go ahead and under recipe history hit that um settings and trash can and delete the recipe. History perfect. So let’s save the collection and let’s go ahead and add a few more recipes. So what i would recommend on your own is go to a recipe website, find a few recipes and go ahead and edit in the enter in the information. So you have some content to work with, so i’m going to go to bonapite com and add in a few more recipes here. One other thing i would recommend is maybe add in um a couple different cuisines. So in my case i’ll. I’ll do a couple italian recipes and then maybe a couple recipes of another cuisine um that’s going to be helpful when we add in our cuisine type later on, which is something we’re going to add to our recipe site. So go ahead and do that i’m going to pause the video and do that myself as well all right, so i’ve gone ahead and added four total recipes. I’ve added two italian into thai recipes and uh. Let’s go back to our home page and now what we’re gon na do is add a element here on the top left and it’s going to be a collection list, and this is kind of the magic of webflow. So we’re going to drag that in and the source is going to be our recipe collection and you can see it’s already pulling in those uh recipes that we’ve added and then within that, let’s go ahead and pull in An image block and let’s just make sure that’s dragged into that collection item. You can see you can see it’s automatically pulling in four images because it’s going to be styling each collection item the exact same way. So we’re going to get that image from recipes and that’s going to be our thumbnail image and wow. You can see um it’s, not styled. So it’s just pulling it in um. Full size actually looks kind of cool, but um. We’re going to style that a little bit. So we have the image and let’s also go ahead and pull in a heading, drag that below the image and why don’t we do an h3 and the text is going to be the name perfect and then let’s go to the Collection list and what we’re going to do. So the collection list is what’s holding in all each item and we’re going to give that a display of grid and as you can see a grid is a really great display. That’s going to automatically um. If we just hit done it, it’s a 2×2 right here, and i think that’s actually not that bad. So let’s go ahead and keep it at a 2×2. And what i want to do is make sure that all of the images are the same size. So what i’m going to do is a little trick here. So, instead of actually having an image block, i’m going to pull in a div. A div is essentially a box in html and i’m going to give that div a background image which is going to be this image. So i’m just going to go ahead and first pull in a link block. The reason we want this to be a link block is because we want to link to this specific recipe, so the link block is going to be here, um in the collection item and then within that link block, we want to pull in a div and just Kind of hover over and you can see we’re, pulling it underneath that link block and now that we’re on this div go to your settings, make sure you’re hovered over this div go to click, get background image from recipes. We’re going to select field and make it a thumbnail image perfect and now let’s go back to our um paint brush here our style and we’re going to edit the width. So, first let’s just make this 400 pixels by 200 pixels. So right off the bat we’re, creating um the size of these images and then go down to our backgrounds and what we’re going to do is hit this plus button and uh. We don’t have to actually add an image because we were already pulling it in from our cms, so you can ignore that. But let’s go ahead and click cover and what cover is going to do is, as you can see it.’s going to make the image basically fill up the whole background, and then what i want to do is position it in the center and the reason i want to do this is, as you can see, um it’s, making the image centered on the Center center of the image, and what that’s doing, you can compare what we had to what we have now so here, for example, we have this really tall image. Now we have this image that’s all the same size as the others, and it’s centered on the middle of the image. So let’s go ahead and click on that image that we had before and let’s just delete it. So now we have this div block, which is really the image. So let’s, click on that right, arrow on the class on the right side and click rename class and what we’re going to do is rename this to food, thumbnail, perfect and then let’s go to its sizing and let’s change The width to uh i was going to do 100, but that didn’t work. Let’s just change it to 500 pixels by 300 pixels and then on this link block. Let’s go ahead and drag in that heading underneath that image. So the heading is all in that link block and in the link block uh, let’s go ahead and remove that in the typography. We want to remove the text decoration and then make the color black. So it’s not that blue, underline and then within the link block, let’s go ahead and give that a display of flex, and this is going to allow us to kind of easily position the items in the box. The way that we want to. So flux and grid are both really helpful. We’re going to use flex here and we want this to be vertical. We want the alignment to be centered and that’s all we want to do so here we can see now everything is centered. The way that we want it to be perfect, and now we should be able to go back to that food thumbnail and make the width a hundred percent, and now it’s going to work the way that we want it to because it’s within That flexbox, you don’t have to worry too much about how for now, but it works. So this is going to give us that nice full width image here. So now we have our collection list wrapper and we have these link blocks with our recipes that we’ve created, and the great thing is, as you add, more recipes to your recipe site. They’re automatic added. They’re automatically going to get added here in this collection list. So uh. One thing i want to do now is go ahead and click that add element. We’re going to add a section here and we’re going to just make sure you drag it to the left, so it’s kind of within that body. Here, if you have trouble, you can always drag it to the top and then kind of drag it back. But here we have this second section: let’s give it a class of section. We don’t want to give it the class of top section. We just want section and then let’s go ahead and drag our collection list wrapper within it. So now the great thing about this is it’s lined up um because it has the exact same padding. So it’s automatically going to add in that padding and the cool thing is: if we change the padding there, it’s going to change it on the top as well. Maybe we’ll add a little bit more, so this is nice. It just gives some nice spacing next, let’s go to our link block here. Why don’t we rename it to recipe, link recipe, link, group and then go to settings here and what we want to do. Is we’re going to choose where we want that link to go so in our pace? We’re going to click collection page and we’re going to choose the current recipe and what that’s going to do is allow us to click into a page that’s going to hold the all the information about the recipe and perfect. So um, what we can do now is where that is. If we go to pages here on the left side, you can see we have our home page and then we have our recipes template now we need to go in and actually create that page and edit. The recipes template so that when you click on the recipe it’s going to put you into this recipe template page. So let’s quickly just add some information here that we’ve created. So let’s add in a section: let’s go ahead and give it that section title label and let’s go ahead and add in a heading and then here let’s get text from name perfect. So we have best pesto and let’s go ahead and add in a div and let’s go ahead and give this in our settings a background image. The way that we did before and we’re going to do the main image here and we’re going to do and let’s go ahead and add a div and then let’s put that heading in the div and then what i Want to do is, go ahead and add another div, and i’m going to just drag that underneath so now we’re going to have these two divs one with the heading and then one div here and we’re going to add an image. I’m just going to drag that in and the image is going to be the main main image here from our thumbnail, perfect um. So we have our uh name and we have the image here: okay, perfect and um. We might not need these uh divs uh, but we’ll see how we decide to kind of design it as we go so um and then in this item let’s go ahead and just see how this looks on others, so perfect, red pesto, pasta And it might look a little cleaner if you upload pictures that are in this kind of more horizontal aspect ratio. So here we go. We have these um, let’s go ahead and add another section below let’s, uh whoops um go ahead and add a section if you need to kind of drag it above and then drag it below. Let’s give this a section class. So it’s going to have all the same settings and let’s go ahead and drag in a rich text field and you need to drag in a rich text field. You can’t drag in a you know, normal heading or paragraph, because the rich text block is, we’re getting text from our directions or ingredients which are rich text, cms fields. So let’s go ahead and pull ingredients all right. So next we’re going to go ahead and add in another section and just drag that below and let’s give this the same section class. So it pulls in all the same. Spacing in that section. Let’s go ahead and give this a heading, so i’m just going to click on heading and that pulled it in underneath and let’s double click on this and write ingredients, whoops misspelled that and then let’s go ahead and pull In a rich text field – and it has to be a rich text field, not a normal paragraph field, because the uh text in the cms is a rich text field in the cms. So we’re going to pull in ingredients. You can see that’s automatically pulled in we’ll style this more later and then let’s just click duplicate that i clicked on that section. I use my keyboard shortcut of command c. If you’re on a pc, i think it’s ctrl c and command v or control v and that’s going to duplicate it. So then let’s just change this to directions, and then here let’s change that to directions perfect. So we have our uh rich text field, we have our heading and we have our ingredients and our directions perfect. So you can see we have our home page and then we have our recipes template perfect. Let’s go back home, let’s go ahead and click publish. So if we click click, publish it’s going to publish this on our webflow url. If you upgrade your plan, you can add a custom domain in webflow and webflow can host it. Let’s go ahead and view our site. So here we go. This is our live site and if we click on one of our links here, it will take us to our recipe page, so sweet spicy, cucumber salad, and here we have our ingredients, and here we have our directions and if we go back, we’re back On the home page and we can click on another recipe um, so even in our case here we’ve already built out kind of the frame for a recipe blog. So we have our home page and you can click and you can browse different recipes. So let’s add a little bit more to our site to make this just a little bit nicer and a little bit more built out all right. So let’s go back to webflow and now i’m going to explain responsive design, and this is something that webflow lets you do really easily. So responsive design is making sure that your website looks good, no matter what device the user is looking at. So here you can see it looks good on the tablet size as we get to the mobile landscape uh, it still pretty much works and then, as we get to our mobile portrait, our mobile phone um, it’s really not working anymore. So it’s kind of breaking, so what we’re going to do to fix that it should be pretty simple. So here we’re in our mobile landscape. Let’s edit this first! So let’s click on a section and what’s happening i can tell. Is there’s too much padding, so it’s not giving enough space for our images here. So all we have to do is go ahead and reduce the padding, because we don’t need as much padding on a smaller screen size. So here now it’s working perfectly fine um one thing that’s really cool about webflow is, if you make changes on a smaller um device size, it’s, going to automatically make the change on every size that’s smaller than that. But if you go to larger sizes, that’s still going to keep the original design that you had so here that helped it on the mobile, but it’s still not really working. What we want is instead of two images per row. We actually want one. So what we want to do is edit this grid, so go to the right side here. Just click edit grid make sure you’re on that grid collection list and then in the columns, just go ahead and delete one of the columns and then hit done, and now it’s automatically creating that one column design that we would be looking for. Here the other thing we want to do is go into our recipe, our recipe link and let’s align to the left, because in this case on one it’s just going to look better if we’re aligning it to the left alright. So i’m back on the main, desktop breakpoint and now what i’m going to do is show you how to edit the design of your headings and headings is kind of a global style. So this h1 h2, h3 h4 586 and you could just add a class like heading or main heading if you wanted um. But what we want to do is is if we click on this heading one and we click on the class, but don’t name. It and then go to all h1 headings. This way we can edit the style of the font and it’s going to affect every place on our site that we have h1 headings. So let’s go ahead and change the font and let’s choose to whichever font you want. I’m going to go ahead and pick one uh. Why don’t we do um, let’s see here, let’s do monsterat and i’m going to make the weight extra bold and i’m going to make the color black perfect and then let’s go here to h3 and Let’s do the same thing: click on all h3 headings and let’s change the font, and here you can see because these uh fonts are also h3. You can see that it is also changing so one on h3, let’s do uh, lotto, um or maybe in in consolata. Let’s do that and then let’s make this black as well. So we have this kind of different font um. I’m just doing this for our use case here perfect and then let’s also change the margin on h3, let’s make it 10 on the top and 5 on the bottom perfect. You can also add more fonts. You can add any google font in the uh project settings of your webflow site, but we’re not going to do that right now, perfect, so we have uh this um, these fonts that were changed and then let’s go to let’s go To that recipe link – and i know we did this on mobile, but i think we should do this on desktop as well. Let’s go ahead and edit the alignment to the left. You know this is just personal preference. Okay. So now, as we go here that’s looking good on every uh device, size perfect and let’s check out that cms collection page. So here we can see uh. That heading was automatically changed, um and then perfect. That heading was changed as well. So the next thing i want to do is let’s edit the um, let’s edit more of the um styles on our site, uh. So, for example, you can see uh. This is a different h, um a different heading, and it still has that um basic style and i’m gon na make that a little bit more custom and then the paragraph here as well. I want to make that a little bit more custom too. So, in order to do that, let’s just go ahead and pull in a rich text field and let’s just drag that in and then, if we click and click on this, it’s a heading 2 and we can click all h2 and We can give that the monserra and let’s give that a black color as well um, let’s do the same. For this heading four, make sure you just click rna and all h4. For this let’s give that the, and you can see that’s changing those steps over there, because it’s that same h4, let’s do in consul in consolata, which is what we did before and give it that black perfect. And then this is the paragraph: let’s click all paragraphs and why don’t we give this latte and let’s make this black as well. One other thing that i want to add is go ahead and click that plus button here make sure you just click an empty space hit return, let’s add a plus, let’s add bullets and let’s just say test test test, and this The list item: let’s, go ahead and click all list items and let’s change that to lotto as well and let’s give that a black color as well, and that’s going to edit those list items there. So this is just kind of how to style those global styles. On your site, like the heading and the paragraphs and the list items, i’m going to go ahead and delete that now perfect, all right, awesome, so cool. So now we have some pretty good. Looking um kind of recipe pages with our um image, we have our ingredients and our directions, and if we go to our home page, we have a pretty good looking homepage. So let’s just edit this uh in this top section, let’s just remove that image um. Why don’t we just the background image. Let’s just make it like a really light gray here: um cool, so just that’s a little bit cleaner. So we just have this light gray, and then we have these images here. So let’s go ahead and click publish and by now, if we go to our site um, we’re going to have a pretty good looking recipe blog. So we can click in. We have the image, we have ingredients and we have directions. The next thing i want to do is add a nav bar here at the top, so go ahead and click the plus button and let’s go ahead and just pull in this nav bar element component – and this is just kind of a pre made nav Bar that webflow has for us in that nav bar, let’s go ahead and click on that. The background color of the nav bar and let’s just make that a dark gray and then in the brand. Let’s go ahead and pull in our heading here and let’s give it a class of brand logo and then what i’m going to do is give it a white color. I’m going to re re name, it top recipes and then let’s give it a different font which is kind of more like a brand logo, changa one perfect and then this nav menu. I’m just going to delete for now, because we don’t have any other pages. We just have our logo here, which we want to take us back to our home page. So in this brand, what we want to do is click on that link. Hit the settings there go to settings here, we want the page, we’re going to choose a page and it’s going to be the home page perfect. So now we have this nav bar. What we want to do is create a symbol, and we’re going to do that by clicking on the symbol here: clicking create new symbol, just click nav bar make sure you’re on the navbar. When you do this, and now we’ve, created this symbol of the navbar. So now, if we go back to our recipes template and we add oops, we go to the symbols tab. We can just drag in the nav bar to the top here. So now anything if we double click – and we edit the nav bar here on this page, it’ll automatically be edited also on the home page. So the symbol is a really helpful, um way to kind of have a repeating element throughout your site. You could do this for the footer. You could do this for a lot of different things on your site. So let’s go back to the home page and perfect. Let’s go ahead and hit publish, so let’s go ahead and go to our site and awesome. So we have our top recipes. We have our recipe blog. If we click in, we have this and if we click back to our top recipes, it’s taking us back to the home page. One thing that’s bothering me a little bit. As i see this isn’t um aligned um. So what i want to do is go back to our webflow designer i’m gon na double click on that nav bar and then what i’m gon na do is take that brand and put it outside that container. I’m just going to delete the container and kind of create our own nav bar and then in the nav bar. I want it to have the same padding as our section so that’s 74 on each side. So this nav bar let’s double click, let’s click and do 74 on the left 74 on the right. So now let’s just make sure. As we keep going here, we’re going to need to change it to 21. So let’s go 21 21, and here we should be even whoops. The brand has a um 10 padding, so i’m just going to go. Remove that on that break point here. So now, as we go down, we’re going to be even and it’s all going to be aligned and look a little bit nicer. So let’s go ahead and publish that now and let’s go back to our site and whoops. Let’s refresh and perfect. So now we have our nav bar: it’s, aligned it’s all looking nice. We can click to go home and we can click on recipe here perfect. So we have our recipe. We have the photo, the ingredients uh. The directions, then, if we click on this logo here at the top, it’s going to take us back to our home page. So hopefully this was a helpful beginner tutorial. So if you’ve gone through this tutorial, you know kind of the basics of how to build most web webflow sites. So you know how to build different pages. You know how to build out a collection list. You know how to build out specific collection pages, and you know how to link around to the different sites. One more thing: i want to show you how to do um, so you understand uh the collection relations. Um is add: a collection um list in webflow that’s going to have the cuisine type, and this is just an important concept for you to understand in webflow. So let’s go back. Really quick. Go to our cms, we’re going to add a new collection and we’re going to call this cuisine type and it’s just going to be name for now. I don’t think we even need to really do anything else in this beginner tutorial. So let’s go ahead and create the collection and let’s just add two. So we’re going to add italian. We’re going to create and we’re going to add thai and we’re going to create. We can even add a mexican if we want. So we have a third and let’s go back to recipes and then in this recipe let’s go ahead and edit that recipe collection list and we’re going to add a new field and it’s going to be a reference field And this is going to be the cuisine type and we’re going to select a collection to rest reference, which is the cuisine types and let’s go ahead and click save field and save collection. And then you can go in to your individual recipes and let’s choose the cuisine type that it belongs to. So we have thai. We have thai and we have italian and we have italian and i’m not going to get uh too detailed here. But i am going to show you kind of the power of this. So i’m going to go to our pages and now because we created another collection list, we have our collection page here for cuisine type. So let’s go ahead and click on cuisine type template, let’s just go ahead and add in a symbol. Let’s add our navbar here at the top and let’s also go ahead and add a section. Let’s give it that section class, let’s add in our heading here and let’s do h1. We’re going to get text from cuisine type, which is the name, and then what i want to do is go back to our home page and in this section i want to go to collection list wrapper and just copy. It do command c or control. C on your keyboard, if you’re on a pc, go back to our recipes temp, not our recipes template our cuisine type template make sure you’re highlighted in that section and let’s paste that in so here we have our collection list wrapper. Now what we want to do here is hit the settings on the collection list wrapper not there here. The settings on the right and we want to filter – and we’re going to do – is add a filter where the cuisine type reference equals the current cuisine type. So we’re going to save that. So now on this italian page, we are go automatically showing the italian recipes and on the thai page we’re automatically showing the thai recipes and because we copied the collection list, everything is going to all work the same. So if we click on that image, it’s going to put us through to that page. So this is pretty cool and uh. If we it’s all going to automatically have the same exact styles. So let’s just go to the home page. Really quickly – and i’m going to show you how you can kind of make this even more powerful. So let’s go ahead and add a collection list wrapper another one and let’s just add that right above uh that section and let’s go ahead and have this be the cuisine types and what we’re going to add here are Buttons to quickly um put users onto the specific cuisine type that they’re. Looking for. So let’s go ahead and add a link block here in the collection item and let’s make that link go to the current cuisine type, which is that page that we just made and then let’s go ahead and add text inside and We’re going to get the text from the cuisine type and it’s going to be that name. So now we have all three names here and let’s just style this really quickly. I think link um, let’s just style this. Let’s name it um cuisine, link and give it no decoration and the color is going to be uh black and the typography is going to be um, guatta perfect and then let’s go to the collection list. Whoops collection list. Here we go, we want to change this to flex, we want flex, horizontal, perfect and then in the cuisine, link uh, let’s go ahead and also add some padding here on the top and bottom and let’s make the background kind of like a Light gray and then let’s add 10 pixels of margin on that right side, there, okay, perfect and then let’s pull that collection list wrapper right there um in the section where we have our images and then let’s also add some margin Below it so 30 margin below perfect. So now we have these buttons mexicans, high italian um on that home page there, okay, great let’s just check kind of how that looks on different screen sizes that’s all looking great and let’s preview. You can preview without publishing by clicking that toggle preview button and if we click italian, that’s going to take us to the italian page perfect. So let’s go back to home and why don’t we go ahead and publish perfect. So now, if we go back to our recipe site and refresh uh perfect, so now we have our homepage and we have our toggles here and we click and click on italian and it’s going to take us to our italian page. We can click on the recipe and then we can go back home. There’s a lot more that you could build into this. If this were a more advanced tutorial, we can do hovering. So as you hover over the link, the color can change, or it can kind of go up a little bit when you hover over it. So it kind of indicates that it can be clicked. We could add a lot more to these recipe pages, but i think kind of as a basic tutorial. Hopefully this is really helpful to kind of understand how webflow works and what you can do with it, thanks for checking out the tutorial. If this was helpful, please leave a like and subscribe to my channel that’s really helpful, and if you want to learn more about webflow or learn more about noco tools in general check out no code mba, there’s a link in the description which Is my website where i go deep on a variety of no code tools with a lot of different tutorials to teach you how to build apps and websites without code, so definitely check that out. If you’re interested and keep an eye on my channel for more free tutorials that i put out – and i hope you have a great day –

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