Passive Income: How I Built 9 Income Streams By Age 25

In today’s video I’m going to reveal my entire income stream portfolio from renting a small bedroom off my friend to owning a five-bedroomhouse worth over one million dollars owning theca of my dreams and traveling. Whenever I want, I’m living the life that my younger self could only dream of living. But look I’m going to tell you something most people will not. Diversifying your income can be seriously detrimental to your overall wealth growth, especially if you’re only just getting started.

I don’t suggest you have more than one income stream, if you’re not already making, at least ten thousand dollars a month through one income stream. If you diversify too quickly, you’re, going to spread yourself, Way Too Thin and you’re not going to succeed, at anything that you’re doing because in reality and I know I’ve used the keyword in the title but, I’m sorry to break it to you. Passive income doesn’t really exist because, quite frankly, I had to work my ass off to get to where I am today: and that’s, the painful truth and at the end of this video I’ll, explain to you what I believe is the most lucrative income stream that you can start right now as a Beginner, if you are not yet making10 thousand dollars per month, so let’s start with my businesses and my first income stream, which is my marketing agency, which is the affluent agency now.

That is a multi-platform digital marketing agency based in the UK that specializes on working with e-commerce businesses, which are companies that, sell products online like Amazon, like Asos like gym shark, and our sole goal is to generate them more Revenue per month. In return, they pay thousands upon thousands on the monthly basis in commission checks and also service retainer fees income stream. Number two is another: business this actually was born in the wake of the successor that marketing agency.

I had a lot of people asking me other agency owners how we were scaling so quickly, how we’re generating such incredible results, I very quickly started running out of time, can only help so many people physically myself and. So, I decided to create an info-based product a online course. That would teach people the systems that we were using in our agency that has now developed to a done with you, mentorship program with, an online course attached to it.

We’ve takeover 2 500 agency owners within that from all over the world have helped so many people scale their marketing agencies. Again, incredible: business love it to Pieces, income stream; number three a session Mastermind: it’s a high-ticket Mastermind product, which we have physical meetings physical seminars with agency owners, who are already making minimum 20K multiple agency owners in there making200k a month. We help them scale, even further because. The opportunity came when I recognized we’re teaching so many beginners in the affluent Academy business, but we’re making six figures one monthly basis with our agency.

So, I’ve got all these high-end strategies that I’m not teaching to beginners, because they’re not appliable to a beginner right getting from 0 to 10K is completely different to getting from 10K to 100K completely different processes. So, I wanted a place where I could teach already successful agency owners for later strategies that we’re using in our Market agency and hence we launch a session Mastermind very. Very recently, we hosted our first event ifyou’re interested if you’re a successful agencyowner go check that out number four is anotherbusiness and it is learn ads now.

What I, what I recognized and what I saw from feedback from our thousands of customers is that people were like. Okay, great now I know Sales Systems now I know how to scale a business, how Doi get results and so we’re like man, like I can’t keep, putting out YouTube videos, I haven’t, got the time to be putting out YouTube videos teaching people the results. We need a product, that’s going to teach people that, and so we created an entirely separate business that just teaches agency owners and business owners how to run ads on social media platforms and hence learn ads was born so that is all, four of our businesses, you can notice it’s Avery natural progression.

Each of those businesses was born from ideas that would only exist if we had the previous opportunity breeds opportunity, in that sense.

So, moving on from our core businesses income stream number five is referrals.

And referrals are something that only come from having an audience or an awful lot of customers. Wiget emails, personal emails every single day, from people that are asking for services that I can’t physically fulfill for them. Let’s say someone sees I’ve got a YouTube channel, slay email in say Hey Jordan like do you offer a video editing? Servicer. Do you know a video editor want to say. Do you know what I don’t offer that myself, but I know are ally good video editor. I make an introduction and then that person uses that video editor Andi take 20 off the top of whatever they charge a referral fee. Now I get that for all kinds of different Services.

People might ask me for graphic design. People might ask me for website design, and I’ve got a whole bunch of people on, a database that I just refer them to and Intake anything from 10 to 50 in some cases as a referral fee. That is true. Passive income, but I would only have that as an income stream because of the other businesses and if you haven’t gota referral system set up and you do have loads, of customers and or a personal brand. You really need to get that set up, because all you have to does send an email out. I don’t even have to send those emails myself, income stream, number six units closely related to referrals, actually disaffiliate marketing.

Let’s say I’m approached bay software product like Wix, for example, I’ve done affiliate marketing for before the website, Creatorship, say Jordan, I’d like you to create a video on YouTube and in return we’re going to give you assay 40 of the subscription fees for everybody. Thatsigns ends up using the link in your video mostof. Those affiliate fees come from our training programs, where we recommend softwares that we personally use in our marketing agency, hence we recommend them to our students as well.

We take affiliate fee from that, but we’ve also got a bunch of different videos on YouTube for products and services that we use ourselves what’s really important. If you ever get into affiliate marketing is, you only advertise products that you genuinely believe in, and you genuinely use yourself. Youde not want to be advertising or affiliating for products that you do not use and that you haven’t looked into because you’re going to kill your brand, you’re going to lose a trust of your audience just going to be a bad idea. That’s why actually! I turn away 99 of software. Companies that come to us and ask us to do Affiliates because. I don’t use them. If I want to affiliate for someone, I’ll reach out to them myself.

But affiliate marketing can be incredibly lucrative, Imada millions of dollars from affiliate marketing over, the last four and a half years number sevens sponsorship. So, sponsorships are a little bit different to affiliate marketing because obviously started this brand on YouTube, where we haven audience respect to you all. If you’re not subscribed subscribe and turn your notification Bell on appreciate each and every one of you genuinely sponsorships, come when it’s a little bit different to affiliate. So instead, let’s say accompany comes to me and they say Jordan. I want to give, you 10K, to create a video for me on YouTube again. We will only do this with companies that we use ourselves, and normally this comes with some kind of affiliate hybrid as well so they’ll, pay like, 10K up front for a video and then thiamylals pay an ongoing fee.

One of the top social media platforms we’ve had sponsorship program with for a number of years. Now they have paid me justa loan.

Well over half a million dollars just from sponsorships from deals that we have, and the most amazing thing is. We actually use their social media platform. So, we don’t really have to do anything. We just have to speak nicely about them and. I would speak about them nicely if I wasn’t paid by them, anyway, cheers you know who you are but. You also know that you’re making millions forme number eight is YouTube AdSense. Now they will pay more or less, depending on the quality of the audience fashion based content or travel content you’re going to be paid a really low, CPM is how much money, you’re getting paid per-1000 view son a video right business, entrepreneurship, it’s like literally one of the best I’ve made Over 250000, over quarter of a million from YouTube AdSense inside on the channel, so YouTube can be incredibly lucrative.

You imagine I’m putting out one video every single week. Now it’s not easy to get YouTube paying you that amount of money right. I have Putin work every single week. Four years. Four anda half years I’ve been running this YouTube channel and every single week I’ve been putting out content and not just putting out recording a video but you’re planning the content, you’re doing the thumbnail, you’re, building out infrastructure and, hiring a team of video editors, content manager and so on and so forth. There are so many things that go on behind the scenes to make that a reality, but it’s undeniable that YouTube AdSense is an incredibly lucrative, but not passive income stream because of the work you have to doto actually continue putting out those videos, the final income stream. I want to tell you guys: agoutis Investments.

Okay, number. Nine is Investment sit’s, really important that if you’re a making all this money, if you’re starting a business, if you’ve got income coming from anywhere that you’re not just leaving that money to sit in the bank now. I do think it’s important to stack capital in your business account, so you have it as a reserve to reinvest constantly in the business into advertising into team members, never be shy and reinvesting back into your knowledge and you never know too much, but also other Investments as. Well: okay, like Capital Investments, things like this house, I would be shocked if it hasn’t gained eight to ten percent.

Okay, the market is going, absolutely crazy right now, that’s a very big return on this house, just compounding and growing okay, so real estate is a great thing to invest in not stacking. A lot of capital at the minute for more investment, I’m investing a loan for, a lot of money in cryptocurrency, I’ve also lost a lot of money in cryptocurrency, but that’s story. For another time. I’ve got two watches at the minute, but I’m waving aside, I bought this this MT Master II.

I bought this for 15K within three months. It went up to 28k and I think it’s pretty much holding that now 28k, which is an incredible investment and, of course, you’ve got stocks, ands, 500 and so on and so forth, diversify across lot of things. If what just interest you go, for that Handbags and interest you go for that as well okay but have small portions in a whole bunch of different things sweet. So those are all my income streams currently from one to nine and I just want. To reiterate, I see lots of people that like yeah, I’m starting an agency and I’m starting an Amazon FBA business, I’m starting an ExCom store donor, diversify your income streams until you are making at least 10K a month with just one now if. You ask me and call me bias.

I would recommend starting a marketing agency, I truly believe that it’s the quickest way to scale to 10K, a month it’s, not a get rich quick scheme, but it’s going to be quicker and more effective than any other online business model out there right now, better than Amazon, better than e-commerce, better than any Of those things you don’t need to invest money up front apart from into your education, and you just need to put in your time and it rewards upfront. You can literally learn how to start social media marketing agency today from the free content that I put out on YouTube sweet that’s. It from me subscribes for more cheers.

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About amorosbaeza1964

Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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