Quick 5 Minute Compassion Break Mindful Self Compassion

Welcome to today’s meditation take amoment to get into a comfortable positionand whenever you’re ready, allow your eyes toclose and bring your attention to the breathtake a minute or two to just settle intoyour breathing starting to notice your bodyas. It breathes resting and relaxing in the soothing rhythm of the breath now that your body has slowed down a bit prepare for this mindfulness exercise.

By allowing, your body posture and facial expression to become compassionate feel free to play around with postures and facial expressions but, whatever expression and posture you go with, they should be gentle now think of a time when someone was kind to youths should not be a time when someone was kind to. You because you were in distress the point of this exercise is not to focus on your distress but on the desire to be kind and to help others put on your compassionate expression and adopt the compassionate body posture, you’ve cultivated as, you remember the compassion, you received recall how it felt to receive.

That kindness focus on the kinds of things this person Saidas well as their tone of voice when they spoke, spend a minute thinking about the expressions of the person who is kind to you and mimicking them if that helps if you’re having trouble remembering them.

Imagine the person moving towards you with a smile on their face or their head tilted to one side. While recalling the memory focus on the important sensory qualities of your memory. Try the following steps focus on the kinds of things this person said, as well as the tone of voice when they spoke next focus on the feeling of the emotion in the person what they really felt for you at that moment.

Finally, focus on the entire experience think about, whether they touched you in a friendly or comforting way or whether they helped you in some other way allow the experience of gratitude and joy in being helped to grow within. You remember to keep your expression as compassionate as you cannot, whenever you’re ready, let the memory gently fade coming slowly out of the exercise and, take a moment to contemplate how you felt before, during and after this mindfulness exercise, namaste.


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