SEO MISTAKES That Your Local Business MUST AVOID

So, you’ve obviously heard of SEO, but what abouts-e-o? Well, that was what we alluded to. Yesterdays-E-O-O stands for search engine over optimization well. It speaks for itself that sometimes you canoer optimize your particular website or Google my business listing because you’re so intent on trying to get certain keywords in your storying so hard to please the search, engine that actually you’ve over optimized and OfCourse. Google wants things to be natural in fact: your customers want things to sound natural when they read your description when, they read your post. It needs to sound naturals if you’re talking to a human being and not just stuffing it with keywords for a robot, so there’s balance to get.

When we talk about SEO, we don’t want to go over the top the seo, so in today’s video I’m going to show you what things youkan optimize, but I’m also going to make it clear with some things you shouldn’t be over-optimizingand, also there’s even been in the last year or Two things that we’ve spoken of in this channel to do that is no longer having any impact on google MyBusiness. So sometimes it’s good to be up to date that’s. Why subscribing to this video and making sure that you give it a like button, will maybe to keep up to date with your local seo? Sometimes youkan be so intense on seo that you start to really complicate, just updating your website or a post infect. You need to bear in mind this, never overlook the power of simplicity.

Google has always kept things quite simple, even though the algorithmic incredibly complex there, not wanting you to work out for yourself there, just wanting you to present yourself as a trustworthy business, a reliable business with information, that’s accurate and! That’s half of the optimization is just putting the right information into google search engine. So, what do we mean when we say about the old SEO or the over-optimizing of certain things well?

Let’s go right back to perhaps the beginning of SEO 20 years ago, when the search engines were first coming about you, really could get a tremendous amount of credibility and, a tremendous amount of traffic by just putting in keywords and in fact there are all sorts of tricks that if you’ve been involved With websites and small business for many years online you’ll know some of these tricks, for example – they used to have it where. If you had a white background on your website, you could put the keywords in a white text. So, from the point of view of a user you didn’t even see the text was there but from the spidering search engine. It still sees the texts. It reads the text. All these keywords put that into its database about your website, but visibly that couldn’t be seen. So, this kind of cloaking of keywords was done for many years.

You know if you did that today google would really black mark your website. It would not work at all. In fact, it would go totally against you. So, if you’re using the old seo techniques of 10 20 years ago, you could be doing quite a lot of damage to your website another seo thing. That’s been done for many years is purchasing links from other people and paying for perhaps a farm of links to cometo your website and it’s true.

It does give it an immediate boost. But again, google black marks a lot of these websites and if they haven’t been blackmarked today and they get black mark tomorrow, if you suddenly have all these black marked website slinking to your business. It’s only going to done thing to your business. So, this point i just want to get a little bit of information from Youa bit of feedback down in the comments below so you can tell me what type of techniques you have used that you find no longer seem to be working with google. What have you noticed that google no longer values well put your comments down below and I’ll, try and comment back on each one as well you know.

Even this year, studies are suggesting that techniques that we’ve been using are beginning to be diminished by google as google begins to change the algorithm, we’re noticing a big change, a big shift in what things we used todo last year, as opposed to this year. What types of things are those well, for example, we used to say about the keywords being in the description. There doesn’t seem to be any support now to help that keyword in comments back to your customers, and your clients when they give a review.

Well, if theses the keywords, it’s really helpful, but if you use the keywords, it seems that google is no longer giving credit to that. Do you remember geo-tagging images we’ve been doing that for a long time. And even, though geo-tagging images can help when it comes to google, my business geo-tagging doesn’t seem to have a lot of credibility, any longer it seems it’s stripped out if you want to know more about geotagging, basically what it’s doings, it’s putting the information into the metadata of that image to say That that photo was taken in a certain place, so cameras geotag photos and, have them from the area of your business even, though they weren’t taken from that phone you could geotag them using a piece of software but that doesn’t seem to be worth doing any longer so.

If you’re geotagging photos, it doesn’t appear to be of any benefit at this particular moment that’s, not to say it won’t change. Of course, googled try different things, so you may still want to keep doing it if you want to, but it’s not Sucha big win these days and even a more recent one that’s just changed. Are we used to talk about the index and citations and getting out there and event hat’s important to get good links and consistent links amongst all the big search engines and indexes, but citations and nap itself? They used to be really important, but it seems again Google’s diminishing the importance of those areas.

So still get them, but don’t put the importance that it used to have in there. So, what types of things do you need to ask yourself what questions are you going to be honest with on today’s particular video well have, a look at your website and when you look at your website, do the does the posts and does the text itself sound natural? If you were to reedit, also ask yourself: this: is your content sincere and helpful, just read it as if you’re a customer visiting your website, another question: how much value do you give to your customers so think obit from their point of view? Is it all about taking or? Are you giving them something back and are you able to build up the heat and, of course, that’s the proof of your expertise, the proof of authority and making yourself trustworthy, so those are four questions that you do well to ask yourself to reflect on them.

Maybe after this video go back to this part of the video and just think it throughput, sometimes though you’ve written say a blogland, you now want to put it on social media and you’re, worried that if you put it say if, you built a video for it as well. So, you then put the video up on YouTube and then you’ve, got your blog as well, and then you’ve then got the descriptions that you fill out on YouTube. But do you use the same text in your blog and then do you use that text on LinkedIn. When you put the video on there too, and then you do a link on Facebook, to that video and that blog do you use the same text there and then maybe even you tweet it.

So, what do you do when you’re trying to put all your content across social media?

Well, there is a useful tool to. Stop the double content issue.

Now it could well be that google doesn’t necessarily view thetas double content, because it recognizes it’s coming all from the same source and it’s often said that, wherever you initially find, wherever google initially finds that content, that’s the content and any other references to that. Content isn’t considered double content as such.

Double content, of course, is of concern to seo because if you get seen as copying someone’s content google can downgrade the information it just basically says. Well, what use is this when I’ve said it seen it, three or four times on your web already but there’s a great way of gaining a little bit more extra credibility for the same amount of content and, that’s a tool that i wanted to share with you today. So, I’m going to my blog here and let’s justa, for instance, i wanted to add this to LinkedIn so. If i click on this at the moment, I’ve got some context in here. I’ve also got a video and say want to rewrite the description for YouTube but.

I also want to use this information here, say my heading here as the main thing that I’m going to use to get people on LinkedIn to come through to, this blog page, so on LinkedIn. Of course, i can just click on here and if i then just put that straight into there, of course, it’s just double content, it’s not really giving any credit tour, it’s just literally doubling. What’s there Solet’s now go to this tool here called auto writer, really useful tool, and you just create a project and once you’ve got a new project, you can open the project as well, and what i like about this is it’s pretty good value for money, but also you get Ideas you can get introductions bullet point expander content, rephrase, blog ideas, there’s all sorts of things. You can do here to rephrase things I’m just going to rephrase that sentence.

So, if i just copy and paste so this is a sentence from this here. I’M just going to put that in there and icon choose what style i want it to be. Do i want it witty dramatic funny, i’m going to go professional and let’s see, then what it can generate, and you’ll find that it does regenerate and its very goods the phrases google. My business for beginners’ video is a perfect resource for those who are unfamiliar with google. My business platform now you need to then just check it, but normally it comes up with some great rephrasing ideas so google, my business for beginners’ video, is a great resource for beginners. Anyone who doesn’t know about the google my business platform can take advantage of it what a great rephrase that is it’s still got. The same information butut isn’t the same words, and you can again go through these. If there’s any others, I’m going to take that copy.

That and I’ll just use that tenon here and I’ll put that there and now I’ll link through to my blog. So, if i take that and link it through and that’s just a really useful phrase there, because it gives you blog idea sit, rephrases content, you can do long or short content. Even descriptions for amazon seo meta tags there’s a lot more Facebook ads and headlines as well, the headlines is particularly good. If you want to try that so I’ll put a link down below. If you wanted to try that out, but I’ve been using it for last month and found it’s been really, really good, really helpful. So, let’s just finish this off by putting that there one of the tips is never to then leave the link in there once.

The image comes up. So, the image is up I’ve done that but do put some hashtags in there Aswell and then post that an easy way to read your content and yet not have the double content. Issues. Let’s just talk from owner about keywords: then so is keyword stuffing aloud. Well, no um! When we talk about keywords, we are wanting a certain keyword phrase, maybe it’s two or three phrases of a word. We are wanting. It used particularly if you put it in the title in the first sentence: or two or the first paragraph, maybe on an alt tag, and maybe use it one or two times on other headings but. It’s got to sound natural if it doesn’t make English save it.

That’s not English. If it doesn’t make sense in English, then don’t use it so that’s something to bear in mind. Think in terms of if you had an itch in your back, and you asked a friend to scratch your back for you, you want them to scratch it just enough to itch the itch. You want them to scratch it so many times it becomes raw and. That’s the thing! Isn’t it with keywords: if you just keep chucking 20 30 times the same keyword you’re just making it rather than of benefit to you you’re over optimizing it. So that’s the way to think about it. So why do we talk about keywords? If google wants keywords? Well, google isn’t actually after keywords: google is trying to match your information with the right users.

Google wants the right intent, so if someone’s looking for something they’re trying to then find using their keywords they’re searching for other articles that talk about those keywords to the fore, but naturally suits got to sound natural to the person and if the person goes, there sees this as being stuffed with keywords. Just to come up number one they’ll bounce immediately off it, they’re not going to hang around.

Now google measures the bounce rate too so that’s why it doesn’t work anymore because google knows if an article is not well written, then the user will immediately return back to the search engine results. For article number, two or number three, and if that article’s well written using the keywords, then they stay on there, the bounce, rate’s not, so large and then google starts to reward them and puts them to the top. So that’s kind of how. The seo is working here now it’s Muchmore to do with the user experience. I think from today’s letter you can see it’s a very fine line between using keywords for the right intent, of the user, but keeping it as a user experience that’s worth having and what’s the simplest way to check, whether something’s well written or just read.

It through read it out loud and does it soundalike it’s written for a boat or for a human being? What is it you can do today as you go away from this video well on day 16, i want you to first of all looks at your website and ask whereas its overall focus. What is it wanting people to do, which is the second point, make sure it’s clear what action you want, customers to take and then. Finally, look at your competitor site sand, their google, my business listings, what Dorthey do better than you so just check out and make sure that it sounds natural? What you’ve written improve on it by looking at what others are doing well and make sure, then the overall the user experience is more important, than the keywords being used in your optimization but one of the greatest optimizations you cando, is to make someone want to click on something because.

There’s an offer there and then you know there’s two types of offers you can do on google my business. The first type of offer is the one that you’re, probably familiar with and you’ve seen it on plenty of occasions, but you know there’s hidden offer in google, my business and so onto Murray’s video. I’M going to show you where you can find that hidden offer I’ll see. You then





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Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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