The Darkside of Internet Marketing

Mistake number 1: Analysis Paralysis You do want to get started you know a lot of people including myself get analysis paralysis and what that means is you already start to think about all the challenges that you may face before you even get started and then you already get overwhelmed and you already get burnt out and you haven’t done anything right yet even put up a website – you haven’t even created a strategy – you know so you say I got to do this, aww all is too hard let me not do it. I would say the first mistake that people make is … they don’t get started. If you have an idea … implement it, and then build from there.

Mistake number 2: Getting Rich Quick Mentality They think it’s a get rich quick scheme and it’s not. I mean you can’t just put up an affiliate site and expect to make money overnight.

You need to promote that site you need to have constant new content all of the time you need to promote your site. And it’s not as easy as when I started people wanted work at home like I did and back in 1998 I didn’t have a lot of competition, now I have a ton of competition, so I’ve also had to diversify. I don’t put all my eggs in one basket … and I monetize me cites several different ways now.

Mistake number 3: Isolating Yourself Not making connections.

I really think it’s networking.

If you don’t talk, you don’t understand how the industry’s growing, you don’t understand where it’s going or what you need to do to be successful and you do that by talking to other people and seeing where they are successful and learning from their mistakes and their failures – and if your closed off and you’re not using those tools and that knowledge, it’s only your short coming at that point.

Mistake number 4: Not Tracking Analytics Properly The most common mistake I would say is they don’t do proper tracking. This industry is – when you go and walk the show floor, basically, all you hear is … drive traffic to the offer and make money. Well unfortunately, the majority of the people who drive traffic to an offer do not make money. You don’t make money – because that’s just the way it is.

I mean that you’ll get the You will get the occasional rare situation that I actually came ahead – but yeah it generally will require you to tweak the offer Changing the copy.

Changing the offer. Just changing color – until you get over the hump … where you actually profitable. But you don’t know the mistake of making on this unless you able to track the response to everything. Of all things I do, yes tracking and analyzing the numbers is probably the biggest in terms of increasing the bottom line.

Mistake Number 5: Being Overly Promotional Be overly promotional – a lot of affiliates, they are just selling instead of being helpful to the audience. Now I am not saying to people who sell don’t make money – I just don’t see them making money over the long run.

So it may be good like the first-year second-year but then it slowly dies down. But those people that I’ve known who have stuck around the industry you know the last 7, 8 10 years are the ones who have been constantly adding value and they’re recommending the products – not necessarily just selling, all the time.

Mistake number 6: Not Focusing on Value What makes me sad about the affiliate world is there’s not enough people focused on value.

I used in my presentation: Why would my mom come to this website? What what makes your website, what makes your App better than other apps? How do you add value to the customer? Ultimately you want wealth to be some kind of indicator of the value-added and so in the affiliate space don’t try to trick anyone. Please nothing shady … just try to add value.

Why would a customer want to use this? Is it because you write glowing reviews of products that don’t have reviews about them do you have coupons that give instructions on how to stack them that adds a lot of value to the customer.

Figure out how you add value to the customer, and you have enough customers … you will figure out how to monetize it, that’s for sure. Keep it real? Yes, Keep it real!

Internet Marketing

Mistake number 7: Selling Before Connecting A lot of people are looking for information and the sales funnel is big and sometimes can be long it’s great when you can find somebody who’s ready to buy but a lot of times people are researching a product so if you can provide really good information and help them through that process you know by collecting their email and creating some kind of relationship sometimes … what common right now is you can very easily put up instant chat and push offers to people on your site and there’s so many different ways do this now.

To engage and have people feel like you’re helping them and that there’s a true relationship there are more likely to buy from you and convert that sale … when they are ready to buy. You never want to force it. You want people to be really happy and to be learning something through the process. You want to be answering their questions and helping their pain.

Mistake number 8: Not Looking Out for Your Partners As an advertiser I was approving affiliates that we’re just kind of thin affiliates. That’s a new term that I learned which they don’t have a lot of content they just were like coupon sites – things like that. And also, I wasn’t doing a lot of newsletters or engaging them and telling them how they can become better affiliates.

And now have a lot of information that I will probably share over many newsletters I mean I have enough information to share probably six newsletters worth of content with my affiliate then hopefully make them better which will make the company better and get us more leads.

Mistake number 9: Selling without Solving A common mistake is that people think that they should sell instead of offering a solution.

So, they look at the product – they don’t look at the solution provider or the solution that they’re going to provide because the product that people think that they have. If you think that my dog bed is going to be the ‘Rocking” dog bed that you want. Well maybe you’re looking for something for your arthritic dog – that’s different than selling them a dog bed. It’s totally 2 different levels.

And I think affiliates, the problem with affiliates and affiliate marketers is that they’re looking for: “How many sales can I do for that dog bed?” Not if I do this person a favor by finding them the right dog bed – and they have 20,000 Twitter followers – I can then get how many more sales? That makes so much more of a difference then can i sell this one dog bed. HUGE difference! Mistake number 10: Trying To Do Everything For Free When your new, generally speaking you’re not well-funded. When you get started, I don’t know too many people to start in the industry with $100,000 sitting around ready to invest in campaigns and software.

So a lot of people will try to go online and a forum start asking – What’s the best way to get free traffic? Well I promise you there’s no such thing as true free traffic. If its SEO traffic – well eventually, yes it’s free after you log in countless hours of dedicated yourself to optimization strategies for your SEO model. That is the biggest hurdle. Being okay with taking the risk of spending few thousand dollars to get started.

Even if the few hundred I mean you can get things going in some aspect or another – and run a $10 a day Facebook campaign to a funnel you built out out just to catch your email needs. It doesn’t have to be that intensive with spending money right off the bat. We just have the idea in mind that you’re going to have to get some investment in here.

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About amorosbaeza1964

Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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