The Difference Between an Objection and a Heckle Sales Strategies

Hello. This from Engaged Selling Solutions and today on our Sales Leader Strategy, I want to talk to you about the difference between an objection and a heckle. What the heck am I talking about? So, an objection comes after substantive discussion. It’s a legitimate question that you have to answer that the customer has based on something you’ve been talking about.

They might come midway through the sales process or at the end after you’ve given them a proposal or at the end when you’ve done a product demo or a product installation test, but they are legitimate because you’re in a conversation and they’re just the questions the client needs confirmation of or answers to before they can move forward. A heckle, on the other hand, comes right up front and it’s designed to throw you off your game. You can’t treat them the same way because if you do, you’re going to get down a rabbit hole of defensiveness and stuck dealing with what the customer has said is important to them upfront when really it was designed as a ruse. So, what does a heckle look like? A heckle, for most of you and the most common one, is when the client asks you right up front even before you start at a qualification, “What are your prices?” That’s designed to throw you off your game.

What you need to do is deal with it professionally. Find a way to tell them that you don’t know yet because you haven’t even had a chance to move through to see what they need or whether you’re a good fit. Make sure the customer knows that you care about the issue of pricing by telling them, “You’re smart to be concerned about price. How about we understand your solution or the solutions you’re looking for before we commit to a price.

The Difference Between an Objection and a Heckle | Sales Strategies

So, what’s your price early on is the most common heckle that you have to deal with. Interestingly, my favorite way that I’ve ever heard of any of my customers handling this, comes from a client that works in the US in Alabama, and he answers this question the same way every single time. I should say he answers this heckle the same way every single time.

He says, “I’m glad you asked me that. You’re smart to be concerned about costs and if I do my job right this won’t cost you anything at all.” And that’s simply because he believes truly in his heart and in his mind that his products have such a dramatic return on investment for the problems his customers are having that it won’t cost them anything at all. Smart way to handle a heckle early on in the sales cycle so you can move on to the substantive conversation you need to develop your solutions.

Thanks so much for joining me on today’s a Sales Leader Strategy. For more discussions on topics just like this visit us at

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