The Dirty Truth About Copywriting Templates (and How to Actually Make Them Work!)

Hey there. I want to have a quick word with you about why Copywriting templates don’t work. Controversial. It’s the time of year when you’ll see a lot of ads for low ticket offers of templates and swipes that you can use, just plug and play, fill in the blanks Copywriting templates and your Copywriting is done.

And I know it sounds really appealing because we’re all time-poor. And if Copywriting isn’t in your wheelhouse, but you either don’t want to outsource it or you haven’t got the funds to outsource it because who can outsource the copy that needs to be written every single day. No one. Now, if you’re in that boat, these kind of plug and play templates sound super appealing. All you have to do is fill in some blanks and away you go, but here is why they’re here is why they often end up collecting digital dust on your hard drive, why they’re never quite as useful as the author made them out to be.

And the first reason is the copy itself is written by someone else.

So, it’s either in a completely different tone of voice to yours, or it doesn’t have a distinct tone of voice, which means it’s so generic and bland that it’s a complete snoozefest, right? So there’s this really strong disconnect. Often when you have templates that are given to you, that you just fill in the blanks, right? So that’s the first reason to consider when you’re looking at templates.

And the second one is that the blanks are the most important bit. Now in the copywriting courses that I have, I have things like a headline formula swipe file.

And you do fill in the blanks. What I do though, is I follow up with a process on improving that because, and also the process you need to do beforehand to work out what goes in the blanks, the blanks on any copywriting formula or template is the most important bit. Now, if you’re writing for your own business, you are in a really empowered position to know what goes in those blanks.

But the point I’m trying to make here is that when you get a template, there is work to be done before you can use it. And there is work to be done after. And that’s often-what templates don’t give you. So, am I saying never buy a template again? No, I am actually a huge, a huge supporter of copywriting frameworks and copywriting prompts and copywriting formulas, right?

The Dirty Truth About Copywriting Templates (and How to Actually Make Them Work!)

Because this, these kinds of things give us inspiration and they also give us structure and really what we need when we’re trying to construct persuasive copy for our business, a framework can give us a shortcut to get the ball rolling. And yes, that is what templates give you.

What I am telling you is that it’s not the start of the process and it’s not the end of the process. So, if you grab a template, now, that there is going to be some work you have to do beforehand to know what goes in the blank. And then there is going to be some work you have to do afterwards to take that copy that you’ve now written, or at least constructed from a template and turn it into your copy.

And sometimes knowing what becomes before and what comes after is not what you get. So, what I want to encourage you to do, if you see these shiny template ads, 101 copy templates, it’s all you ever need. Fill in the blanks plug and play, and your copy is done.

No, that there is more to the process. And of course, if you’re writing copy for your own business, as I said, you know your business better than anyone else, you know, your customers better than anyone else, you know, your products and services better than anyone else.

So you don’t actually have to bring anyone up to speed. You have all that information, you have it in your head, you have it in your heart. You have it in the emails you have, you have it in the customer service conversations. You have it in the social media conversations and the reviews that have been left for you. Those places are a powerhouse of gold to help you make those blanks, not bait, not boring, but instead turn them into ultra converting copy for your business.

So, I just wanted to leave that with you. If you love the look of a good template, put it in the process and maybe have a look at how learning, how you can do the before and how you can do the afters.

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Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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