The Internet’s Deadliest Trolls

We do things just because we find it entertaining. That’s more or less the point of it. To do as we wish. Modern day pirates. They carried out sophisticated cyber-attacks over a seven-month period.

As of now there doesn’t really seem to be any one person in charge, they’re called Luzes. They unite. Behind one phrase, “Respect Existence”.”Expect Resistance”. You are watching disrupt.

A teenager living in New York picks up his parents’ phone to contact the customer support of “World of Warcraft”.

Oh, My God, I just ran in. But instead, he gets connected to a secure FBI line. And in Detroit, an FBI officer tries to get in touch with his officials but instead he’s connected to a toy store. Luzes takes claim and they received their first stamp of authenticity.

They then go on a hacking spree to take down the Fox News Channel, LinkedIn profiles, and the names of 73,000 “X Factor” contestants. They release the transaction logs of 3,100 ATMs in the UK. Basically, they cause chaos for the fun and their next move brings them international attention. The American Public Broadcasting system suddenly saying Tupac Shakur and Biggie Smalls are still alive and living in New Zealand. The hackers then use an SQL injection method in which malicious SQL statements are inserted into an entry field for execution.

This tricks the software into vulnerability and results in Sony Pictures data, names, passwords being leaked. LulzSec motivation? Lawsuit. George Hotz, who jailbroke the PlayStation 3. That’s not fair.

The members of LulzSec then release lists of hack usernames to inform the public of vulnerable websites and give them a chance to save themselves from being exploited. On June 9th, an email pops up on the computer of an administrator at the British National Health Service. The email informs them of a security vulnerability in the NHS system. Next, they hack into Bethesda, but they remain quiet about it. Just sit there.

The meerkat distracts the humans while his sister sneaks behind. An important to possession. With their winter den complete, the meerkat family now has access to disrupt+. They can stream hundreds of hours of series, films, and podcasts.  Plus, they’ve unlocked patron-only rewards.

But unfortunately for the meerkats, electricity does not come easy in the wild.  Next, they hack into Bethesda, but they remain quiet about it.

Just sit there. Until a few months later when they tweet out. Next, they take down “Minecraft”, “League of Legends”, “The Escapists”, and an IT security company called Finisher.

They try to hack into Nintendo but, a video emerges. It’s come to our unfortunate attention that NATO and our good friend Barack Osama-Llama 24th-century Obama has recently upped the stakes with regard to hacking. They now treat hacking as an act of war. So, we just hacked an FBI affiliated website, InfraGard specifically the Atlanta Chapter.

We also took complete control over the site and defaced it.

Bye. The attack was made on a nonprofit organization affiliated with the FBI. They deface the website with a message. On June 13th, they decided to step it up and release the emails and passwords of a number of users of the US Senate. Stakes escalate even further when a plane attack of the CIA is committed.

On June 15th, the website goes offline. But internally, all the systems are sent into an immediate lockdown. The event makes headlines. Luzes claimed responsibility. And at 8:00 PM, they release their clutch.

Then begins their largest event yet as they team up with Anonymous and declare full cyber warfare. Multiple releases from Luzes encourage their supporters to steal and publish classified information and leave the term, “Antises”, as a mark of intrusion. By 11:00 AM the database of Serious Organised Crime Agency, a national law enforcement office in the UK is compromised and their website is taken down. The team there exhaust all their resources to bring the website back online, just to witness another attack later that day.

LULZSEC: The Internet's Deadliest Trolls

It takes another 24 hours for them to get their website back online, only to find fully vandalized with the term, “Antises”.

What follows is a game of cat and mouse because on the 21st of June, the London Metro Police arrested 19-year-old from Wickford locally known as Ryan. Luzes denies any association with the man. On the 22nd of June, the Brazilian unit of Luzes comes online as they take down two government websites. Personal information of the President and the Mayor of Sao Paulo is made public. On June 25th, we see their last data dump.

It contains numerous information from Sony, Viacom, and Disney to EMI and NBC Universal. For the next month, Luzes is fairly quiet until July 18th when a British newspaper, The Sun, is hacked. Their website is redirected to the Times whose website has also been hacked to resemble The Sun. An uproar is instigated when a fake story is posted to the fake Sun reporting that Rupert Murdoch, owner of both The Sun and The Times, has died. The disbandment of Luzes comes as a surprise.

The number of enemy hackers who wanted to reveal their identities increased over time. A Pastebin post in June 2011, from hacker Killer Cube identified Losec’s Sabu as Hector Monsegur. And later that month, a group called at Team Web Ninjas appears with the goal of identifying all members of Luzes on behalf of the victims of the group’s hacks.

Then another hacker, Oneiroi, takes down the group’s website and Twitter page. On that same day, the Guardian publishes leaked logs from one of the group’s IRC channels.

Soon, another group called the A team claims to have the full list of all Luzes members. – The continuous tries of revealing our identity have pressured Luzes into disbanding.

The London Metro Police and the FBI are in full investigative swing. They execute a search warrant. And find redacted.

Who denies ever being a member of Luzes but admits to chatting with members. FBI Agent So, here’s the thing, we need you to chat with them. You know, we need you to re-engage with them.  I can’t do that. FBI Agent Why?

They all hate me. So, soon the FBI tracks down Sabu in the lower East Side of New York. Over the following seven months, Sabu, pleads guilty and agrees to work with them to unmask the other members.

18-year-old male from Shetland, Topiary. Kayla identified in London.

Two other arrests are made in the Scotland Yard in Wiltshire and South Yorkshire. Then Flow, followed by Pennsauken in Ireland. Today, only one of the core seven members has not been identified yet, Av unit. After all is said and done Luzes releases one final statement, “50 days of Lulls”. Friends, Romans, and countrymen.

They claim they only planned to be active for 50 days within which they wanted to ’cause as much chaos for the Lulls.  We’re not quitting because we’re afraid of law enforcement. The press is getting bored of us. And we’re getting bored of us. Then, their website goes offline.

Every last piece of digital evidence is wiped from the internet and the information highway continues flowing on, leaving them behind in virtual chaotic myth.

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