The Secret sauce for your LinkedIn headline to help you get jobs Cybersecurity Cyber Life

Hello and welcome back to the course so in this video, as i mentioned, we’re going to talk about your LinkedIn headline now, a lot of people mess this up, especially if you’re in college or something like that, or even in high school and you’re trying to get That, first job a lot of people will put things like aspiring cyber security, analyst or student. You don’t want any of that stuff in your headline, because your headline is how recruiters and hiring managers when they’re searching for somebody on LinkedIn to find a good candidate.

It’s going to pull a good amount of those keywords from your headline, so you don’t have to spam your headline with keywords, but you want it to be very clear, concise of who you are what you do kind of what you offer and what i mean by that is, i don’t want to put aspiring cybersecurity analyst.

I’D want to put something like open to cybersecurity analyst roles, so I’m not lying because I’m not working as a subject analyst. So i’m not lying. I’M telling the truth that I’m open to cyber security roles or subsequent analyst rules, it’s just a play on words right.

It’s just saying it a different way. Instead of saying hey, I’m a student or hey, I’m aspiring, you know, i really want to do this. It’s just saying: hey, I’m open to this. It’s just a different way of saying it, but it’s the key to finding jobs through LinkedIn is in the nuances of how you build out your profile, how you connect with people, how you communicate with people.

Those little nuances are the things that add up. Think of it like if you live in an area where you’ve seen snow before, for those that haven’t snow is very cold, usually powdery white, and so, if i take a handful of snow, make it into a little snow, what’s called a snowball and i roll it Down a hill, as i keep going down going with it down the hill, it adds more snow and more snow and eventually, depending on how big the hill is, i may have a really big snowball at the end right down to the bottom of the hill.

Now, in the same way, your LinkedIn profile and the way you communicate and all these things are part of your snowball, that’s called your personal brand and so, as you add these little parts to it and you roll your personal brand further and further down the Hill, you build a bigger and bigger and bigger personal brand, but it does take time does take effort and you have to do it the right way, because you don’t want your personal brand snowball to destroy itself at the bottom of the hill.

So, the headline is critical here, and so our headline right now on this profile is the cybersecurity analyst in Microsoft to edit this, i just have to click this little pencil icon.

That will let me edit the headline as well as some other information, but the only thing we’re focused on here is going to be the headline for this video, so cybersecurity, analysts and Microsoft, and this is fine if i want to keep this. This is totally fine, because if I’m working as a cybersecurity analyst to Microsoft – and I’m not actually looking for jobs, then this is totally fine to do.

But if I’m looking for a job, then i don’t want to do this. I want to do something different, so in this case, what i may do instead is: let’s say that our fake person here Jen, didn’t have any experience. She was a student at university right now, whatever level of university and she’s trying to get her first job she’s, really adamant. I want to get my first job. I want to get experience. I want to really make a difference in the world so going back to our headline here.

We want to just mention that she’s open for cybersecurity analyst rules because again she’s not a cybersecurity analyst, but she’s open to roles and again we just don’t want to put like student or aspiring or any of those words in there right so open to cyber security. Analyst roles: it’s it really is that simple? So, when a recruiter is looking for cybersecurity, analysts they’re going to pull this up, and here we got cybersecurity separated. You may see it done different ways.

I typically put cyber and security together. Other people put it separate. So, when you’re doing your keyword searching for finding jobs search, it both ways right make sure you can capture all those jobs that you’re looking for so open cybersecurity. Analyst roles.

The other thing you want to put in here is, if you have any skills. So, if i have some skills in Splunk or python or q radar or an extra err solutions or any number of things that potentially a sock, analyst or miter attack, or something that a soccer analyst or cyber security analyst might be using in their day-to-day somehow or at least need to be familiar with.

Those are keywords also that usually are going to be in job descriptions, and those are keywords that, if I’ve got those skills, i want to make sure i put them in my headline, my bot section, my skills section, all these areas of my profile. So that way, when a recruiter or hiring manager searching, they find me and nobody else well, they’ll find other people too, but i want them to find me first and look at my profile first, so you can do this several different ways. You can add emoticons.

You can do the pipe symbol here you can do dashes if you want to that. Doesn’t matter too much. Linked in’s algorithm is pretty smart, so it knows to like to block those things out as far as when someone’s looking for keywords for a job that they have open and those will block those things out, emojis are beneficial. If you’re tired of getting spam messages on LinkedIn, you can put an emoji at the front of like your name and stuff like that and it’ll quickly show you if it’s an automated bot or not because it’ll, it won’t actually pull the symbol into the message.

So just kind of show like a random thing and then your name, so it’s easy way to spot bots.

It’s actually why i have on my profile the emojis, but back to our headline here we can add in some of the skills that you have so, let’s just say, for example, that our good friend Jen here has Splunk and she’s also pretty decent in python, and I would just say cube radar as well.

This is what Jen does Jen’s got these skills. Now, if I’m a recruiter. Looking for someone, that’s got some key radar and Splunk experience in python as well Jen’s likely going to show up depending on if how much she’s got a profile built out, how active and things like that she is. But if she’s doing all those other things correctly, then she’s definitely going to be one of the people showing up if I’m looking in the Houston area or in Texas in general.

For someone with these skills right, Jen’s profile is going to show up now, uh one real quick note here not related to headline. If i want to list the name is jennifer and just put call me jen right jen as the additional name. I could do that as well right, so you can always. If you got a nickname, that’s again appropriate. You can put it there if it’s not an appropriate nickname.

It’s something! Your friends call you; you probably don’t want to put it on your LinkedIn profile. So, let’s go ahead and just save our headline there, and so you see now it’s a little more fleshed out right, Jen’s, open to cybersecurity analyst roles. We see that she’s got Splunk python radar and i could even add more things there if i wanted to, but for simplicity’s sake, that’s all I’m going to add for Jen’s profile so make sure that you add some skills into your profile, along with whatever role you’re.

Looking for, if you are looking for a job role, if you’re not looking for a role, you can also list whatever your current role is there just to show up in keyword, searches. The other thing i would say on this area is, you can also put what you do here and what i mean by that is, you could put kind of the value add. So, if you are experienced in industry already and let’s say that you’ve worked in.

Maybe your stock analyst you’re in response roles for a few years or whatever, then you could put that i help companies secure their data right, something like that. That quickly shows someone what you do.

That is not too critical. If you’re searching for jobs, it’s more critical. If you’re a business owner but again you can do it right. So, there’s a lot of options. You can do with a headline key thing to take away here. Number one make sure that the keywords you want to be found for are in the headline, or at least several of them, and make sure that anything you list in here as a skill is actually a skill you have just because you did one lab in college On Splunk doesn’t mean you’re, a Splunk expert doesn’t mean you’re skilled and you could still list Splunk but be prepared to discuss like what is your experience of Splunk. You can say.

Well, i did some labs in college on Splunk, so I’m familiar with it, but it’s not something i feel comfortable with like day one on the job. I would need some mentoring right or i need some mentoring and, if you’re, in an interview – and you get that question and they’re asking you that and you respond like that, you can also say what kind of mentoring do you have for people in entering these Entry-Level, like this entry-level role, I’m interviewing for to help us grow our career, so we can bring more value to the company and that that again, we’ll go through a little more on negotiation later in this course, but that’s something where you’re kind of planting a seed In their head that you’re, like you’re already there right like they just need to make sure they’ve got the right, mentoring and stuff for you to help you succeed and help you bring more value to the company right you’re, just planting seeds, just like we are, you Are with your LinkedIn profile as part of your personal brand, so in the next video we’re going to keep working through your LinkedIn profile.



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