The Seven Deadly Sins

Christianity has traditionally talked a lot about sinners. In the fourth century, the Church identified ‘seven deadly sins’: defects of character which were specifically deplored and avoided by all good people. She was; Arrogance (to be conceited and boastful), envy, wrath (extreme anger), gluttony (eating too much), lust (wanting to sleep around), laziness (to be idle), and finally greed. Christianity considered it a serious defect in the soul that made a person a suitable target for rebuke and punishment. God, on Judgment Day, will be merciless with sinners and send them to spend thousands of years in the darkness and most torturous parts of Purgatory.

We may not exactly use such traditional and religious words today and we may not imagine the Creator of the universe as someone preparing torment for people who are in the grave. However, in the spirit of the way we interpret character flaws and respond to the less fortunate aspects of people in the virtual and real world, we still maintain similarly intolerant modes of judgment.

We may feel that through our cruelty we are helping humanity to improve, but if that is truly our goal, then it would be helpful to move beyond mere denunciation to try to understand what really drives people in their most remorseful moments. We pause to encounter a surprising truth: the actions we call sinful simply are not. It represents an unfortunate initial response to difficulties and adversity which, if well understood, guided and forgiven, can be redirected toward nobler ends.

We are not evil, as many are in pain in a series of areas. Let’s consider each of the seven sins in turn: Arrogance – We may appear as if we are boasting and craving attention because we are so satisfied with ourselves. Far from it. Bragging is just a result of feeling invisible. We are so driven by the idea of ​​our importance because (behind the scenes) our right to exist seems questionable.

We feel as if others will inevitably think poorly of us – unless we quickly and dramatically assert our greatness.

This is why, of all people, arrogant people don’t need to be told they’re bad, that’s just what they think of themselves to be. They need encouragement to feel untrue pride in their own qualities – and thus to release the urge to be the center of attention. Envy – Envy is a non-virtuous approach to confronting an idea that, in another context, is essential to decent ambition as well as humility of character: the idea that we are imperfect, imperfect, and in need of improvement. Envy stems from a legitimate perspective that others have something to teach us – mixed with a degree of inaccuracy and trepidation about what that might actually be.

Envy should ideally be a teacher for us. We should notice when it attacks us, distinguish between its disturbed signals and use them to work out our direction and purpose. The solution is not to feel angry and remorseful because of our bouts of envy. But by helping us understand what is really missing from our lives. Anger – The mean, angry words we say when we are upset are almost never truly intended.

The Seven Deadly Sins

It is the result of panic and anxiety. We call someone stupid and foolish because, in that moment, we are terrified. We scream because we feel like we are fighting ourselves. So, instead of being constantly told that it’s terrible to be angry (we certainly already know that), what we need is someone who shows appropriate awareness of our inner fears. ‘You must be scared’ is a gentler but more effective response to any angry outburst; She puts her finger on what’s really going on.

We need others to appreciate our weakness, not to scold us for our loud shouts. Gluttony – We eat a lot of chicken wings and toasted sandwiches not because we are greedy, but because we are emotionally hungry. We want love much more than we want calories; We just lost track of how to get it. Therefore, the solution is not to tell us to eat less (as diet gurus and Christian scholars suggest); Rather, it helps us explore other sources of compassion, safety, and emotional connection.

Our appetite is not fundamentally bad – it simply has not found its optimal target.

Our excess weight is a symbol of emotional malnutrition. Lust – We want to jump into bed with people not because of immorality, but because we are lonely. Sex is an example of communication and acceptance. The things that are said to be ‘bad’ and the sensuality that we desire excite us because we read them as evidence of unbridled affection for the other, which is rare in ordinary life. Ideally, if we become less lustful, we will be clearer about what we truly want from sex: which is an acceptance of the messiness, complexity and intensity of our humanity.

Laziness- Laziness is actually fear. We cannot afford to go to work, because if we work, we risk being exposed to terrifying humiliation. We may also not succeed in the way we want, we may find that the task is very difficult, we may realize that we are not yet qualified to take it on, or the world will mock us. Beyond our lethargy is an expected catastrophe; A mind that causes disasters. We will finally begin when the fear of doing nothing at all overcomes the fear of doing something wrong.

Greed – The strong urge to take more than we deserve is actually a reaction to a sense of deprivation; We felt ignored and weak, needed more than ever. Our fear is firmly established, we try to protect it by extracting it as much as we can, as quickly as possible. We may appear to others as being lucky and privileged; Deep down we just feel hopeless.

In short, our ‘sins’ are not evidence that we are bad people. It is the form that our unmet needs take when we have not found a better way to address them.

We do not need to be reprimanded and threatened with hell. We need a generous affection that welcomes us as we are, a forgiveness that does not involve criticism, an affection that accurately and non-humiliatingly identifies our weaknesses and encourages our innate capacity for improvement. We love bringing these movies to you. If you want to help us continue to provide in-depth content, please consider supporting us by visiting our store via the link on your screen now.

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