Top 10 Times When Foolish Decisions Lead to Fatal Outcomes

Let’s start from stupid and move our way up to Natural Selection. Number 10 flying lawyer Gary Hoy was a lawyer in Toronto, Canada in his Law Firm. He had an ongoing practice of proving that his office windows were bulletproof. He would gather crowds and throw himself out of the window. He would usually bounce back one day during a meeting with interns. On the 24th floor ho did his usual trick. He run outed but then also free the window falling 24 floors down to his death number.

Nine sounding during the early days of America, you couldn’t just go to a doctor. It was up to you to fix it. That is why, when Governor Morris developed a painful urinary blockage, it was up to him to fix it. He grabbed a whalebone and started fiddling with it in his urea to get it out, but that didn’t work. In fact, he developed an infection from it which led to his death number eight, the lonely bomber in the year 2000, an Iranian terrorist decided to send a letter containing a bomb.

However, while sending the letter, he forgot to add enough stumps because of this after a few days, the letter was sent back to him, the terrorist being so happy that someone sent a letter to him without second thought, opened the letter blowing himself up number seven world’s Longest beard, Hans Lange, a farmer from Minnesota, started growing a beard for a competition and hadn’t stopped after winning it.

His beard was a massive 5.33 m in length. This long beard would eventually lead to his death one day a fire broke out forgetting to put his beard in his pocket, like he always did H started running down a flight of stairs but tripped over his beard. He fell over and broke his neck on the staircase dying on the spot.

Number six explosion, proof in the 2000s Al-Qaeda was planning the assassination of Saudi Arabia’s former crowned Prince Muhammad bin NF.

The plan was that Al-Qaeda would send one of their guys to meet with Naf during Ramadan once he would get close. He would detonate a bomb blowing himself and Naf up. There was just one problem: the security at the event was tight, so the bomber had to think of where to hide the bomb and he hid it up his ass one pound of C4. Finally, he got an audience with an if and detonated the bomb, but his body absorbed the whole impact of the explosion, and he was the only one who died.

Number five: a happy death Crispus was a Greek stoic philosopher who greatly helped with the understanding of the fury of knowledge. He wasn’t a standard Greek philosopher. What made him stand out from the others was his sense of humor. One day Crispus saw a donkey eating a fig seeing it he made the joke now give the donkey some wine to drink. He laughed at that joke so hard that he died. Number four Russian Roulette. In the year 2000, a teenager from Texas decided to play Russian Roulette this already being a stupid idea.

He didn’t have a revolver, so he decided to replace it with a semi-automatic pistol which has a 100 % chance of the bullet going into the chamber. Unlike the revolver, which has a 33.3 % chance, he died on the spot. Number three bungee jump: a certain 22-year-old Bungie jumper from Virginia, not only fixed a rib, a bungee rope with tape, but when he was preparing for his next jump, he trimmed the Rope exactly to the length of the bridge.

He was jumping from forgetting that the Buan ropes are elastic and extent he smashed into the ground and died on the spot. Number two falling Cactus one day, a man from Arizona decided he wanted to try out his new shotgun on some cacti. First, he destroyed a tiny Cactus, but then decided to move on to a massive 7.9 m one while shooting it. One of the arms of the cactus fell onto him and CRI rushed him to death number one.

Following Toris, Escalus was an ancient Greek playwriter who, like most ancient Greeks, believed in prophecies. One such of his prophecies was that he would die from something falling onto his head because he wanted to live. He would spend most of his time outside, while sitting outside an eagle was carrying a Toris looking for a rock to crack it on it, Miss to Asus’s bald head as a rock and dropped the Toris onto him. He died on the spot. This is fig media. Thank you for watching like and subscribe if you’re enjoyed.

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