TOP 30+ BEST Jailbreak Tweaks For Bootstrap + Serotonin Jailbreak

What’s up guys and welcome back to the channel, where I show you the best tweaks for your device in today’s video, I’m going to show you the top 30 best gel break tweaks that are compatible with both strap and serotonin jailbreak. So, what is both strap and serotonin jailbreak serotonin jailbreak is a semi jailbreak tool based on pu land exploit part of the kid project for iOS. It’s a twee injection method. These tweaks that I will show you today are fully compatible with bootstrap and serotine in jailbreak.

So, let’s get started as always, if you would like to stay up to date with the latest IOS Jailbreak, tweaks and jailbreak news, of course, don’t forget to subscribe and make sure you turn on notifications so that you don’t miss another episode all right. The first trick. We have here is 3D app version, spoofer spoof app version right from your 3D menu. This TW will not change any files related to your app. It’s all about hooking, just activate the 3D menu by using long press on your app icon and then choose the option. Spoof app version to set the version, you want the app to think it has run the app don’t just spoof a random app version go to app store and find out which app version you would like to have.

The next week is Advanced brightness slider this week allows you to dim the screen even further than usual, with the brightness slider in control center. It uses the reduce white Point settings which can usually be found in the settings app. This tweak integrates that settings right in the brightness slider in the control center. So all you have to do is to slide below a certain point where the normal brightness setting will drop to Zero. From that point on the slider controls the reduce white Point setting which then dims the screen even further by default, this is set to 30 %, so the bottom 30 % control the white Point setting, whereas the top 70 % control the normal brightness setting the next Tweak is air drop 16 airdrop 16 tweak is a tweak designed to seamlessly introduce the time limit feature of air troops, everyone from IOS 16 to earlier devices operating on iOS 14 and iOS 15.

Furthermore, its chess the default iOS 16 functionality by providing users with additional control over the intricacies of the settings. The next week is Aura this week completely redesign and enhances the control sensor, making it powerful yet familiar with a native looking and gorgeous design. With this tweak, users can now gain control over the appearance of the stock control center module on iOS, 14 15 and iOS 16, bringing a refreshing and personalized touch to their device interface, creating with customization in mind. It gives you a variety of options to set up your control center. Your way the next week is Alpine, brings modern twos notification and prompt Statics to iPhone.

One of the beautiful features of TV is the uniquely crafted notification system that blur the background of any prompt to bring your attention directly to the options Alpine uses, glasses and styling, taken directly from twos to bring a clean and moldering log to alert systemwide the next Week is always 120 always 120 is a twig that can force apps to run at fast or 120 here display refresh rate of promotion, either adaptively or continuously that we can add. A frame per second FPS hits up display to your iPhone so that you can actively see how many frames you are pulling at any given moment. The next tweak is Amber. This tweak will allow you to use the yellow lid instead of the white one. When you turn the flashlight on it’s one of my favorite tweaks and it works on bootstrap, the next week is any key. Trackpad most iPhone users are familiar with the trackpad feature on the keyboard.

The thing where you can Tab and drag the space bar to place. The cursor anywhere in a body of text that you want any key trackpad, let users use any key on the keyboard to invoke the trackpad. It’s a good tweak. The next tweak is AB Hider. If you have many abs in your home screen that you don’t use often or some apps, you don’t want others to see, you can hide annoying or frequently used apps from your home screen. This tweak allows you to hide specific apps from your home screen and the app app library in iOS 14.

Therefore, eliminating the need to create more folders. The next week is app Library discipler. The app library is a big change for iOS platform and while many people have already started impressing it other there is not so much for those who hate app Library.

You can now disable the app Library interface on both strap and serotonin jailbreak app library. Disabler is a simple tweak that does exactly what’s implied by the name. It completely disables the app Library the next week is app. Color close, the app color close tweak replaces the original white and blurry look of the x button. That appears, when you put your device into wiggle mode, to delete an app instead of the usual look. It turns the color of the x button into the dominant color of the ABS icon. So if the ABS icon color is orange, the close button will be tinted. Orange, if it’s blue, then the button of close button will be blue and so on. The next tweek is app data. App data is one of the most important tweaks.

App data is a tweak that allows you to access your app data by swiping up on the icon or through the 3D touch menu. App data tweak was completely Rewritten to support iOS 15 16 and ridless jailbreaks such as dopamine pin sh a15, and now it supports both strap and serotonin jailbreak. The next week is Artful Artful, brings a beautiful, full screen faded experience to the album artwork of whatever it is. You might be listening to that. Wig also provides users with the Sleek iOS 16 and later style. Volume slider is on older versions of iOS, which is an added bonus for any anyone who is using an older version. The next Weg is EA. Ea is an amazing tweak that allows you to manage the iOS home screen icon layout.

With this tweak, you can manage and change quickly the position and off sets of icons.

Allowing you to create unique looks. Managing icon off sets is also useful for making a place for widgets that Weg supports iOS 16 and rootless jailbreaks, as well as both strap and serotonin jailbreak. So, with you can use your favorite widgets, while customizing your home screen. It’s an amazing trick that I recommend you try. The next week is auto brightness toggle CC brightness extended augments control, centers display brightness module by integrating a toggle that can be used to turn automatic display brightness on or off, while the ability to move the slider up or down to make.

Adjustments is good enough for most this with makes it easier to turn automatic display brightness on or off instead of going into settings app. The next week is auto unlocking X.

Auto unlock X is a useful tweak that allows you to enable auto unlock your iPhone to the home screen with face ID without swiping that we are fully customizable, including an automatic retry setting by default. Ios requires you to swipe up from the bottom of the lock screen after face ID recognition to unlock your device, auto unlock X offers a convenient way to access your device’s home screen automatically without the need to swipe making the unlocking process faster and more seamless. The next week is backgrounder action. 15.

With this tweak, you can turn on backgrounder action automatically for selected ABS to ensure true foreground experience to your abs. If you don’t know what this tweak is, this tweak is useful when you are watching a video when you watch a video, all you have to do is enable this wig from the control center and the video will continue to play in the background. The next tweak is badger. Badger is a good tweak for customizing notification, badge Aesthetics. That’s because you can use this tweak to transform how badges look configure when they appear and command how they behave. You will be able to change the position of the badges colorize.

It changes its size and modify its shape, among other things. The next Weg is battery body.

Battery body is a tweak that customizes the battery icon displayed in the states Bar and on lock screen battery body, for I should work with all gel brakes on iOS 13 and up to iOS 16 battery body also works with rootless gel brakes, such as dopamine and Pine and also works on both strap and serotonin jailbreak. It’s a really good tweak that I recommend you try. The next week is better alarm. Better alarm is one of the best tweaks.

It’s a tweak that brings a complete overhaul of the stock, iOS timer and alarm screen that appears on the lock screen with better alarm. You have the power to transform the athletics of your alarms and timers, and you can even incorporate them into the State Bar the next week is better ccxi. This tweak allows you to quickly change the Lo of connectivity and media controls available on control center. Also change. The module size and use artwork background in the music module the enhanced control center for iOS support to modules and allows you also to install weather addin. As you see, you can use this tweak to resize modules and display more controls.

The next tweak is Big Source Center. Big Source Center is really amazing. Tweek that replaces the default iOS control center, with a new design inspired by Mac OS Big Sir. This week allows you to quickly toggle settings such as airplane modes. Wi-Fi adjust the brightness of the screen, open camera and more. You can customize the control center to include the controls and app shortcuts for favorite tools. Big Source Center comes with a lot of customization options to choose from that. Weg allows you to not only activate and manage available modules, but also customize the look and style.

The next week is blurry alerts. Blurry alerts replace iOS native popup alert with the TV boos inspired interface, complete with the blurry background and the color matched buttons. Blurry alerts will also theme any low battery Al alerts or post notifications. The next week is Boulder is reborn Boulder is reborn. Give us users is the ability to change the icon density in each page of a folder. In addition to customizing the titles and subtitles, a cool thing about this week is being able to have a live, app icon counts which keeps track the number of apps you have in individual folders. The next week is CA.

High frames per second, this Weg will make the core animation apps use the highest available frames per second same as your devices refresh rate. This twg can force higher frame rates in some iPhone games that kep 30 frames per. Second, this twg has been tested with a variety of different popular mobile games, including Where Is My Water 2 plant’s vs, Zombies, asphalt, eight and n and more. It should also work with other apps that that have been kept for one reason or another.

The next week is collator. Have you ever wanted to calculate something really quickly while working? If so then go ahead and install this tweak? Calculator is a really well-designed calculator tweak for iOS that allows you to display a small floating calculator, app inspired interface from just about anywhere on demand card. Celator can be invoked with a swipe up from the corner of your screen, but another activation methods are also available. If you prefer, the next tweak is casque. 3. Casque 3 is one of my favorite tweaks Cas 3 tweak designed to enhance the visual experience of scrolling through tables on iOS 14 and up to iOS 16.

That week adds Vivid, colors or smooth animations to the scrolling process. With Cas 3, you can enjoy a more vibrant and dynamic interface on your device, many apps on iOS utilize tables to display useful information such as the settings app, which showcases all sections in the form of a table. However, iOS does not animate these Tables by default.

That’s where a powerful tweak like c 3 comes in the next twig is CC on and off. This is a small tweak that adds a useful option to actually disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth from control C censor on your device without The Tweak. The only option to do it is to turn off the modules through the settings app. It’S a life saving tweak. The next tweak is CC Music artwork CC. Music artwork tweak is a control center tweak that gives you the opportunity to customize the loog of control center is music widget. With this tweak, you can replace the boring look of the music widget with the now playing albums artwork.

The artwork is this played as a background, while the music controls and song title are displayed as an overlay. And finally, the last tweak we have here is CC power menu with this amazing tweak, you can add more power options to control cantor with CC power menu. This tweak utilizes CC support to add a new custom module to control sensor. You can then 3D touches or haptic touches on the new button to reveal the expanded module that contains options such as respring, safe mode, UI, cache, reboot and power off all right.

These tweaks, that I have shown you are fully compatible with bootstrap and serotonin jailbreak, so make sure to subscribe and hit the notification button for the second part of the best jailbreak tweaks for both stab and serotonin jailbreak, so guys. This is our tweaks for today. As always, if you enjoyed watching this video, don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to my channel for more jailbreak tweaks videos and peace.

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