TOP SECRET 🤫 How To Find Winning Products In 2018 Shopify Product Research Hack

What is going on guys? If you’re new to my channel, welcome I’ll, be releasing weekly content in regard to e-commerce. Shopify drop shipping everything online entrepreneurship, I’m releasing all this content for free and not charging you a thing, and in today’s video I’m going to be telling you guys four hacks, that’s goon an revolutionize, your entire Shopify product research experience in the description below I’m goon an Leave a link to this powerful spy software that has completely changed my entire Shopify product research process.

Everybody that’s used! It has found a lot of benefit from it. I’M gon na leave that link for you in the description, so you could go pick it up for yourself. This one’s gon na be a fun one for the whole family today, because we’re gon na be talking about sex toys, so don’t go anywhere. Alright, let’s get into it all right, Shopify product research, hack, I’m not charging you stuff, like all the scamming gurus, are out there. So I hope you find some value in this. You might be asking yourself gee Jesse. Why is there a bald toothless Jeff Bezos staring at me when I look at your video? Well, I’m glad you asked, because we’re gon na be jumping into some super crazy techniques that will be super beneficial and take your Shopify product research up a notch.

So I hope you find some value here, alright, so here’s where Jeff Bezos comes into play, we’re gon na be going over Amazon, restricted products, I’m gon na be providing you guys with a hack, because when you find that items the winning niche items that are in The Amazon, restricted products you’re gon na want to be able to find stores that are in that niche. That is restricted on Amazon, so you could model their success. Now, I’m going to show you some tools that when you have the store that you want to learn from these tools will allow you to get tons of information. So it’s super important stick around, so we can jump into that. So first things. First, let’s go over the tools.

Number one: Amazon restricted products: all you have to do is Google Amazon, restricted products and I’ll also leave the link in the description. This is gon na. Allow you to find products in niches that are not allowed on Amazon, which is single handedly, the biggest competitor that any e-commerce store is going against. Now, if you can provide products that are not available in Amazon, your goon an be able to really break through and market to a huge community that is not able to find their products anywhere else all right. So I searched Amazon restricted products, but you could go through here and you could see all the items that are not allowed on Amazon.

This is huge, so you’re scrolling through here digit spinners no longer allowed but, as we know, that’s kind of died, firing safety products. Obviously, hazardous and dangerous items, but you can check what do they consider hazardous and dangerous laser products? A lot of these items. You know you got ta be do do your due diligence and be careful that you’re not selling things that can get you in trouble with somebody’s safety. Well, look at sex and sensuality to keep it spicy for the kids huh. So, for this example, novelty food items, soaps and vibrators are not allowed or permitted on Amazon. Now, if you wanted to get into the vibrator niche and sell sex toys, you would want to see a store.

That’s in this niche, that’s already having success. This is super powerful information, so be sure to stick around until I provide you guys, the hack, so that you could find stores to Shopify that are selling these restricted products number two. This is Alexa, it’s essentially the entire Internet’s website and stats and analytics and traffic information curated together into one area, you’re able to view where your competitions traffic is coming from, so that you can target your ads accordingly.

If you have competition that is getting most of their traffic coming from Canada, you when you’re doing Instagram influencers, for example, you need to know that your influencer has audience. That is mostly from Canada. Now, if you watch my Instagram influence or playlist check the top right corner right now in this playlist, that goes over everything you need to know about Instagram influencers and in the videos. Thy’ll tell you about how you can view exactly where the influencers audience comes from and while you’re here to Lexa, it allows you to view similar websites to whatever you have currently searched. So you give you to search your competition and then view similar websites. Now this is a paid service, I’ll leave the link in the description, but I wan na show you guys a service that is available, that’s an alternative to Alexa, and that is similar web comm.

So I’ll pull up a website that is one of the top websites on Shopify and just show you kind of all the information you’re able to obtain here see when you search a web site on similar web com. It gives you all this information. It gives you the rank in the entire world, it gives you the rank in the United States and it gives you a rank by category so for this one in particular it’s 259. Now this is really important here. You can look at the traffic overview and get kind of an idea of how long people are visiting for how many pages they visit when they do visit, store how many visits in total. But, most importantly, you can look at the traffic that they receive by country.

This is just something to keep in mind: it’s possible that they are targeting these specific countries and I’ll show you guys how to look up which countries are most interested in your niche so that you could target them appropriately. This is some good information trying to see what the traffic sources are here, where you scroll down a little bit more and you can see what sites in particular are referring to this website. This allows you to kind of get an idea of what sites are sending traffic to this shop. So maybe you can model and do something similar. Now you scroll down a little bit further and you can see the keywords that they are getting traffic from the most.

But as you browse through and look at different web sites that are in your niche, you can really get some different ideas, and here it gives you an example of the keywords that they are paying on Adwords to obtain traffic from, and you scroll down further. And you can see how much of their trap, how much of their traffic is coming from which social platform, so it looks like a lot of their social traffic, is coming from YouTube. Don’T forget: Pinterest, guys, that’s a undervalued method for marketing and I’m going to be doing videos on that later. If you would like it shows what their audience is most interested in, so you can keep this stuff in mind. We, if you have a similar niche but really super powerful down here you could. You could see the sites that the visitors of Jim sharp often visit as well. You get an extra kind of idea of what some of your competition might be.

It gives you almost a thousand web sites that are often visited by the visitors of Jim shark comm, so you could really kind of get in the mind of the visitors and really use this information and when you’re doing your marketing and Shopify product research and down Here towards the bottom, you can see competitors of Jim shark and similar sites and just tons of information here you guys really powerful stuff, and this is a free alternative to Alexa and when we get to the hack, you’re goon an understand how you will be able To use all this information for the benefit where you have to implement the hack first number three so now we’re goon an jump into Google Trends you’ll be able to determine with Google Trends.

If there’s sustained interest in your niche – and I messed up the wording here but let me see you’ll determine if there’s sustained interest in your niche or the product you have in mind. You’ll be able to determine, is the product seasonal or is there interest all year? You’ll be able to determine which geographic location has the most interest, you’ll be able to narrow it down to sub regions and cities. So, you can really do your targeting really dialed in to the people that are most interested in your product, and I’ll show you guys here. Your goon an want an average of 50 or more interest over time. So, I’ll show you guys. This is just trends

I just search Google Trends and let’s stay with that kind of gem chart team here in search Jim close, so you can see here they have a fantastic interest over the past 12 months. It’s really sustained. This seems to be going down a little bit, but it’s really sustained over the months. You can change the timeframe so if you’re curious how Jim clothes are doing in the past 30 days now you want to go for a niche that has kind of sustained interest or upward trending interest, and when you’re searching Google Trends, you could search any niche like. Let’s look at fidget spinners, for example, over the past 12 months. You can see here back in July 2017, there’s a lot of interest and its really died down.

Now, if you got into fidget spinners, when the interest was high, you can make a good amount of money, but, as you can see, there’s not sustained interest in fidget spinners anymore. So this would not be a good item to get into because it’s completely died out and just for curiosity, we can look at the interest over time from the days that they started keeping track of Google Trends so 2004, nothing, nothing, nothing and then boom October 2016. It picked up and spiked and then completely crashed. Now. Imagine if you caught the item when it spiked like this, you’d, be making tons of money, which is a good method.

You could try to hop into trends like that, but I think the best way to really go about this is finding items that have sustained interests for extended periods of time. You could jump into trends and you could cash out there’s nothing wrong with that, and you should definitely try to pay attention to what’s trending. But you should also pay attention to items that have sustained interest over time or are progressively going on an upward trend. And we can see that’s the case with the gym clothes here right now, it’s targeted to the United States.

You can actually see the sub-region of what is most interested in gym clothes, so you may consider, if you’re in this niche, to target New York, because they are most interested in gym clothes, you can narrow it down to specifically cities what cities are most interested in in gym clothes, Los Angeles in New York, but you get the idea here. You can see here, related quarries, look Jim shark even shows up for related quarries in relation to the keyword, search of gym clothes. If you were in the gym, clothing Nishi may consider using gym shark as a keyword that you target, you can see related topics to gym clothes. This type of stuff just allows you to really dive in and get some good ideas to really get the wheels. Turning. That’s all this product research is about.

I’ve said it dozens of times. This is all about just getting the wheels turning and building ideas and getting a feel for what’s necessary in order to find appropriate products. Finally, number four, all right, so let’s jump into the IP hack, so you need to google Shopify his IP address. You just simply google that, but I got it right here, so I’m goon and copy that and I’m goon and go to my IP IMS. It’s goon an allow you to get all the Whois information it’s goon na. Allow you to view more websites that are using that Shopify address IP address and allow you to search niche products so that you can find your dildo website that you’ve been eager for so we’re at my IP IMS and we’re goon and search the IP address.

And I’m goon an keep my information locked out here cuz. I want your freaks, coming knocking on my door, all right, research Shopify his IP address, and it gives you some information here. As we may know, Shopify is a Canadian company, but the golden get right here is search sites on IP. This is goon an show you every single Shopify website, starting from the most popular that is on the Shopify IP address, and you can browse through and look at these if you want, but the golden ticket is right here, click view all records and a lot of People don’t know about this, but at this point you could you could search niche products that are on the IP address. This is the beautiful part here.

You can actually search niches; it’ll go through and find the niche based on every single Shopify store. That’S around. So sticking with the sex-toy theme as an amazon restricted product, we will search vibrators and, as you can see here, there’s actually a Shopify store called vibrators com. I wonder how much that URL cost that domain costed or they got lucky and just purchased it before then or not, really blew up. But you can see. The IP location is, of course, Canada, because Canadians are spicy shoutout to Canada. But if we were in the sex-toy nice niche, we could go through and we could view this website. So we know vibrators calm, we’re able to go through and model everything that they’re selling and you can see what they’re having success with. But now that you know a website that is on Shopify in your niche at this point now you could implement all these tools.

You could go to similar web calm, and you know: vibrators calm is in your niche, so you can enter the information there. You could go to Google Trends calm after you learn some various keywords and everything that is in that niche and similar keywords that that website uses you can utilize Google Trends. So hopefully you guys see how this kind of all ties together. How all these tools are beneficial in your Shopify product research? So just a quick recap: we’re goon and go on Amazon and we’re goon an find the restricted products.

We’re goon an find a niche that is restricted on Amazon so that we can open up a store and cater to the communities that want those products but they’re not available on Amazon.

We’re goon and use the IP hack and we’re goon an get a bunch of information and we’re goon an find stores that are open in that niche. We’re goon an use Alexa or we’re goon an use the free alternative similar web, so that we could get all the information from the store that we found using the IP hack so that we could target accordingly and get all the key words and all the powerful Information to utilize on Google Trends and using all these tools together in harmony is one big, powerful method that you could add to your arsenal when doing your Shopify product research. Well, I hope you found some value, I’m not selling you guys stuff, I’m not funneling! You in to sell you stuff, like every other council out there.

I don’t need your money, but I do need your support if you appreciate the free content in the free value and all the help that I give people one-on-one consider subscribing to help this movement grow and to help more people, see my content and save more people From being scammed, I need you guys to like and comment on the video thanks for stopping by be sure to subscribe peace out.


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Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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