ULTRAKILL beginners guide & ULTRAKILL tips

You are playing ultra kill wrong. Well, unless you’ve watched a handful of guides asked about the game, mechanics on discord, servers and lab them in the sandbox as you would. A fighting game you are probably playing ultra kill wrong. Whether in, the middle of your first playthrough or doing your p ranks hi. My name is heist, and this is abeginner-friendly guide on some practical game mechanics and offhand mentions of their potential. So let us head to the sandbox be close to an enemy damaging and killing them will make them spill.

Blood is fuel blood heals you, but, depending on difficulty, taking enemy damage deals some heart damage our damage. Temporarily caps your health to discourage pure ruthlessness. You can parry melee effect. You can parry charging attacks. You can parry projectiles. If you think you can parry it. You probably can enemy. Parries can be hard to land but, they turn parried projectiles explosive, and they deal big damage, and they heal you to pool parries are extremely satisfying dashing costs, 1 stamina and gives you 0.2 seconds of invulnerability most of the time. Stamina is used for dashing.

It also resets your velocity for, more advanced movement attacks, dodge everything, that’s what stamina is for the generic fps game has a sprint key ultraclean a slide. Key, no crouch only slides only seedlike sprinting. You are faster while sliding and no, you don’t lose speed or stamina, while sliding slide as long as you want and your hitbox becomes this small, if you aren’t in there, you should be sliding the only downside to sliding is that you do not regen stamina, tap the slide key midair To slam slamming drops you onto the ground faster slamming onto enemies damages them jumping right after a slam sends you higher than your original slam heights, you can keep slamming to keep gaining height a bit inefficiently hold the slide key to super slam.

This costs stamina, but it sends the surrounding enemies to the height you slam from, its crowd, control and combo setup. Sliding gives you speed, you can jump off, this speed, make sharp turns slide, jumps are slower than dashes, but they’re free and they go. Farther this is your main movement option. You can slam into a slide jump for more speed and like bunny hopping, you can maintain the speed if you minimize slide time, but unlike bunny hopping, you can convert the speed to whatever direction you want. You can stall your fall by moving into wall, but you gradually lose your stick while.

Touching a wall you can bounce Offit, regardless of what direction you’re looking you can climb. Walls like this but you can only do this three times you can slam, but what happens?

When you cancel the slam with a wall. Bounce these, yellow dash lines indicate you have stored Aslam, while you’re falling off the wall. Your state of slamming is saved. When you hit the floor, the game thinks you’ve been slamming that whole time. That means you can convert this slam into a slide jump. This is just a tippy tip of the movement iceberg, but these are also, the easiest and most practical ones. Your first weapon, odd fire pierces to it. Three times on a three second cooldown treat this like a mini rail. It has a reliable, quick charge good for burst healing at medium to close range but.

There are no real combo opportunities.

Until you get this secret and unlock the slab. Variant this is also a beginner trap. If you spam nothing, but revolver, your dips will be low it’ll, look boring and your wrist will hurt Ina few hours. Don’t spam the revolver get some style points and go to the terminal to buy the marksman revolver same primary fire as the other revolver, and this is everyone’s favorite weapon points out fire tosses a coin shoot the coin. To chain it into a weak spot, headshot shoot the coin when it flashes to split it into two Riker shots shoot, the coin. When it sinks to split it into two records: shots coins prioritize chaining to other coins and time right. They too can split why use.

Coins deal more damage, than revolver shots coins can auto headshot coins follow the same trajectory you aim and inherit your momentum. As long as your velocity is constant. Strafing sliding falling the motion to hit the coins should be the same. You can toss a coin while moving back and punch it forward it free tosses the coins and adds damage to it. You can use it to insta-kill a malicious phaser steal their explosive beam. You can make it reflect the same rail shot to hit multiple times this coin can do so.

So many things this is justa surface herb made a full coin guide up there.

My second favorite weapon, Corrieri’s, a double-barreled shotgun used at point. Blank range, all fire ejects, a core, that’s the name of the gun. You can shoot it for bigger damage and larger range points. Also prioritize course, if you want to take muscle memory over aim, that’s super basic later on, you can do the exact same with a malicious rail or a massive nuke you, can detonate a core near you for a boost. You can detonate a nuke near you for an ultra-boost this. Has a lot of mechanics toit, it’s my second favorite weapon, the beggar’s bazooka of ultra kill, once you get the! First shotgun: this variant is available in the terminal same primary fire, but outfire pumps the shotgun to load it with more pellets more pumps, more pellets up to two pumps, guess what shooting a third pump will do it blows up but.

This means you can over pump to send yourself flying, albeit at a cost of health. This explosion does a lot of damage to you and the enemy, but what, if you only wanton damage the enemy? Remember how dashing gives you 0.2 seconds of invulnerability dash away from the explosion shooting, the self-explosion during that point two seconds avoids the damage completely. This is called over pocket. These are some mechanics that apply to both shotguns the feedbacker bluefish can parry the shotgun can also parry as long as you’re, pointblank and you’re not trying to shotgun parry a projectile.

This very also heals you, the pool butut’s harder to hit than the feedbacker parries because of the smaller hit marks. The shotgun shoots pellets are projectiles, youkan, parry projectiles. Yes, even your own projectile boosting works with any shotgun, and you can rapidly project that boost if you swap to the next shotgun constantly so. We have core sniping projectile boosting and over pumping these areal explosive options at different ranges damages and commitments from the player foreign, so disclaimer old for kill is a video game. The point of video games is to have fun ergo. The objective best way to play ultra kill is the subjective way.

You find the most fun you find walking, around shooting things with the same weapon fun.

Do it you prefer playing on harmless with aim assist, set Tomax. Do it, you prefer using the flashiest combos to the detriment of your health and your fingers do.

Its safer fun if someone’s keeping the game from you because they have a better cyber grind. Score because, they do flashier combos easily because.

They know all the niche mechanics called them cringe. Even if ultra kill is a very skill expressive game play it for fun, as usually name is size subscribe for. More ultraclean I’ll see you live, bye, bye, okay, okay idea! Please! Please, please! Oh, I’m vibing!




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