What is Integrated Marketing?

You want your business to grow, you want to win more customers and make more sales, but how do you do that when budgets are tight and your time is limited, some of your competitors have plenty of cash to throw around and make a noise.

They can run expensive TV ads or buy full-page spreads and the national newspapers to build their brands. So how can you the smaller business owner, compete? The answer lies in integrated marketing meet Tom. He owns Tom’s tools, an independent travel company. Tom creates one-of-a-kind travel packages for his customers, he’s not competing directly with the big Holloway companies, but in the past, he struggled to get his voice heard.

The used Facebook and Twitter when he had the time and every now and then took out adverts in newspapers and magazines. The problem was his marketing was irregular and his messaging inconsistent. His brand didn’t build up any momentum.

Then he adopted integrated marketing for a fixed monthly budget. Tomm’s tours now publish a weekly blog post with travel, ideas and tips. The posts are then promoted through social media and a monthly email newsletter.

The newsletter also features content from the Tom’s Tours YouTube channel, where customers are encouraged to upload videos from their holidays. In the peak holiday booking periods, the company runs print online and radio ads and in the quieter month’s special offers and promotions and once or twice a year, he publishes a survey and report that gets him free media coverage in newspapers and magazines.

Now a potential customer experiences a consistent message across a multitude of marketing channels, because each element of marketing is no longer working in isolation.

They serve to amplify each other.

Tomm’s voice is now being her, but it doesn’t stop there because that voice begins to resonate with other people. They become fans on Facebook, followers on Twitter, subscribers on YouTube, commenters in forums and on blog posts, they’re no longer just customers, they’re advocates and ambassadors.

In fact, they act like a tribe, echoing Tom’s message to a wider audience, the result Tom’s tours with more customers and makes more sales. So, if you want your business to grow, try integrated life you’ll be amazed at how effectively we’ll build your brand. You.






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About amorosbaeza1964

Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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