Who gets lots of freebie seekers, broke people or people who just aren’t ready to buy?

it’s Monday for me. Um hope you guys have had an amazing weekend. Cannot believe that we are already at the sixth of December which is crazy. Christmas is coming around super fast. I’ve still got my mate Santa behind me getting into the festive spirit.

Um but hey listen if you are somebody who is putting out a lot of content right now but you tend to attract freebie seekers. People who are broke. Uh people who are just not the right fit for you. Um then Listen up because this video is all for you. Before I jump in you guys should know the drill by now but before I jump in make sure that if you’re watching live pop in #live so I know that you’re there.

Drop your comments. Ask your questions as we go along. I will get back to you. I will answer them. If you’re on the replay pop in #replay as well.

So that I know that you’re there and I can say hello.

Alright so who gets freebie seekers? You know there’s people that you know they download everything. They give you nothing. They take lots.

They give you nothing. They never buy Who gets those? Who knows what I’m talking about? Yeah? Um well, today, I want to share with you a couple of thoughts around that and what to do with them, okay?

So, who wants to know that? Um to be honest with you, this is maybe a bit of an unpopular opinion but you want to know what I do with freebie seekers? I give them stuff.

I give them stuff. I give away freebie s.

I happily do it. Alright. I give a lot of value. Whether it is lives like this, whether it is tools and trainings, events. I do webinars.

I do all sorts of stuff. Um I give away scripts and tools and things if I can. You know why I do that? I’ll tell you why. Because it taps into a little psychological phenomenon called try before you buy.

So it’s December, right? So, shops are packed. Everybody’s spending. If you go into a department store, there’s people everywhere. Guess what you’ll find most?

Alright, especially at this time of year. Guess what you’re going to find? If you go into a department store. You’re going to find people giving away things, yeah? Giving away samples, alright?

I was I was at the Baker’s Delight here in Australia. It’s a bakery chain. Um they were giving away Christmas cake. Try their Christmas cake because if you like it, guess what you’re going to do? You’re going to buy it.

Okay. Now, I hate Christmas cake.

So, you know, I’m I’m one of the ones that you know, will forego the Christmas cake at Christmas time and have chocolate pudding or you know, something else Pavlova because you know I’m an Aussie. Um but seriously there’s you go into a you go into a fragrance store. You go into you know there’s tons of places where you go.

And guess what they do? They give you things. They give you stuff. Right? Why do they do this?

So that you get an opportunity to try it before you buy it.

Do they think that every single person that tries it is going to buy it. Definitely definitely not. Okay? Does that stop them from giving it away?

No. Who who has Costco? Right? Who has Costco near them? And you know, if you’ve ever been into Costco, there’s like these little sample stations everywhere, right?

And you get your cereal freebies, freebie takers, right? They’ll go from one I I may have done this.

But I usually buy something, but you know you go, and you grab the sample, you try it, you have a look, you go check out the product, go **** that’s a whole lot of cheese I don’t need. I’m not going to buy it. Cuz it is Costco but Seriously, you know what I’m talking about, right?

Now, why do they do this? Because they know overall it will bump their sales up. That’s why we give away freebie s, okay? What it does is it taps into the psychology of the buyer to allow them to get something and try you out.

Try you out.

See whether they resonate with you. See whether they resonate with your content. See whether they resonate with what you do. See if you can help them. Now, in marketing speak there are we talk about exposures.

All right. We talk about exposures. How many exposures it takes to actually get somebody to buy. Okay? In general it used to be like decades ago.

It used to be like six. Okay. So six exposures before somebody would actually Bye from you. Six times that they had to see something from you. And then they would buy.

All right? with the advent of things like social media and stuff like that. It’s more like anywhere from 10 to 20. Okay? And that’s why it can’t becomes really important to nurture.

Okay to nurture. Because what nurturing does is it actually enables people to really get a sense of what you do.

To follow you. Okay. To get to know you.

Who gets lots of freebie seekers, broke people or people who just aren't ready to buy?

I don’t know how many times I have people that message me or get in touch with me or come onto a call with me and they say I’ve been following you for a while. I’ve I saw your you know your training on this. I saw your webinar. I you know I grabbed your script and I just thought it was amazing and yeah. So by me just giving away freebies, by the time I get on a call with them, they’re super warmed up already, okay?

And I haven’t, all I’ve done is I’ve just given value. alright? So, be prepared to give away freebies. Don’t worry about the freebie seekers, okay? Don’t worry about it.

Freely give. There’s this growing sense that you know, particularly when it comes to you know, coaches’ consultants and stuff and there’s like a lot of programs out there that I’ve seen. Where they what they actually do is they teach you a method. Now, we call it a buzz post but they teach you to give away something, okay? And then, what they do is they and I I’ve actually had people try and teach me this by the way.

They get you to go into a DM and then qualify the person to make sure that you know, it’s right for them. Now, and then, they don’t give you the freebie, Okay? Um which I just think is ridiculous right? So, it’s not about that, Okay? Um Not about that.

what it is about is giving lots of value. Okay. Giving lots of value. And over time people get to see what you’re about and how you can help them. Okay?

Now the other thing I actually want to share about freebie freebie seekers freebie takers okay just because somebody doesn’t buy from you doesn’ t mean that they’re not out there actually referring people to you. Okay. I’ve had people talk to other people about me. I’ve had people refer to me I’ve never, they’re not a client They’ve just grabbed something of mine and gone, oh yeah, you know what? Danielle’s really good at that.

Um jump in and have a chat with Danielle. Um I cannot stress this enough that if you are freely giving and giving value, it comes back. It’s called the law of reciprocity. Okay, the more you the more you get in return. Quite often what we think though and I actually just saw a really good well actually it’s a bad bad example.

Um but an example of this I was literally just on a call with a client and we were talking about a a subscription group that she’s part of where it’s all take, take, take, take, take. They’re charging her to use this group and literally giving her nothing in return. Uh and expecting her to give back. Okay? That’s not what I’m talking about.

That’s not the law of reciprocity. Okay. What I’m talking about is giving freely knowing that the more you give the more you will get in return. The more that people will seek you out. And those freebie seekers today may in fact turn out later down the track.

I’ve had people come back to me after a year and go you know what? I wasn’t ready then but I’m ready now.

Okay? literally downloaded everything that I had, okay? They’re ready now and we work together.

So, I’ve had this and I can tell you that don’t worry about the freebie seekers Actually, tell actually think of that as a good thing, okay? What you wanted to focus on is how much value can I give? How much can I help people? Because it is that that actually gets you clients. It’s that that builds your reputation.

It’s that that will actually earn you money later down the track.

Okay? Kim says I did a live four days ago over free products from my range not one taker. I I probably need a little bit more context there. Um in regard to who was on the live and you know and where you shared it to sort of give you some insights there.

Kim but happy to like if you want to talk offline more than happy to you know have a chat with you about you know why that didn’t work and we can kind of look at that for you.

Um but you know I put out stuff from time to time and it gets nothing. And I sit there and I think wow. I really think that I really thought that people would want that. Okay so you know still be prepared to, you know, it’s really important to just give.

In the spirit of giving, nice little segway here. If you haven’t yet, jumped into our Christmas draw that we’ve got. We’re giving away ten thousand dollars worth of stuff for your business from free training courses to one-on-one sales coaching with me. Um to all sorts of stuff. Gratitude pack, book pack, we got it all.

Alright, if you would like to know how to enter that draw and you haven’t entered it yet, then just drop prize down below. I will get you the details so that you can enter. We will be drawing our first our first prize goes off Um Monday. Okay? As in Monday week.

So So if you haven’t entered that draw and you want to, drop prize. I’ll send you the details. Um so that you can get in that draw. But yeah over ten thousand dollars worth of stuff. Also if you haven’t registered for our webinar that is coming up on Thursday I’m going to be talking about how to increase your sales over Christmas.

Who’s ever had a situation where you get to Christmas and your sales go and you get to January and it’s even worse. Um well I’m going to actually walk you through how to make more money over Christmas. Okay and still have time off with your family. Alright so if you haven’t registered for that and you want the link to do that, let me know below. Just put webinar.

I will send you the details so you can register for that webinar that’s happening on Thursday my time.

Wednesday evening if you are in the US. There will be a replay, but you have to register. ah to get that. So, I hope this I hope this has helped you.

Um hey hey Alia Nice to see you. Um I hope this has helped you guys. Um I hope you guys have a fabulous day or evening wherever you are. And I’ll talk to you next time. Bye.



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Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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