Write an Incredible Resume: 5 Golden Rules!

A serious problem with resume tips online is that they are overwhelmingly subjective. What works for me may not work for you, and viceversa. So when Austin Biersack published the results of his analysis after analyzing 125,484 resumes, I I’m excited because the data, to a large extent, eliminates a lot of the guesswork. In my opinion, his analysis is the real deal because it confirms my suspicion that there are some proven things we should follow in order to write a good resume.

The Fundamental Principles of Whether we’re writing a resume to get that first job or improving what we’ve built over the years as a quality resume, as always, I value your time.

First, I’ll share five key takeaways. Then, I’ll talk about the research. Meaning. Finally, I’ll provide practical resume writing tips to make your resume stand out. Let’s get started.

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Let me first state that Austin did not ask me to make this video.

He doesn’t even know me. As a data junkie, I am interested in all numbers. That’s why I’m sharing it in the video. Getting to the point.

Five key takeaways from the Austin study. First, resumes with a LinkedIn profile increase interview success rates, but only 48% of resumes have a LinkedIn profile. Second, job seekers only have a LinkedIn profile. Include important keywords and skills in resumes 51% of resumes do not fully demonstrate soft skills in resumes Third, quantifiable indicators can improve the success rate of resumes, but only 26% of resumes include five or more indicators Fourth, research shows that ideal Resumes have 475 to 600 words. 77% of resumes do not fall within this range.

Fifth, empty content will reduce the value of the resume, but 51% of resumes contain flowery rhetoric, clichés or incorrect pronouns.

I will attach the original article in the introduction column. Links and all the resources I mentioned feel free to check them out if you want to know how to write a quality resume. Now you know these key points. What does it mean for you?

Start with the first point. Include a LinkedIn profile in your resume. Here it is. A chart that shocked me. At first glance, the results seem obvious.

Including a link to your LinkedIn profile on your resume can improve your chances of getting an interview. But on closer inspection, if your LinkedIn profile has no content or is very generic, it can actually lower your chances of getting an interview. Chances of calling this means that it is better to hide your LinkedIn profile if you don’t put in the effort. In my opinion, the difference between a full and normal profile can be boiled down to three points. Point 1, having a professional avatar and LinkedIn banner.

Point 2 , how much information is in your work background section and third, how much thought do you put into building meaningful links? In fact, I have a LinkedIn Tips playlist to give you an in-depth look at all the key points.

I also shared how to put a custom LinkedIn URL in your resume so that it looks neat. Go watch them after watching this video. I would also like to add that you will also notice that the higher the job level, the lower the chance of a candidate getting a call.

This indicates a quality LinkedIn profile. Profiles are more important for job seekers for entry-level positions compared to senior positions. If you think this video has benefited you a lot, please like it. Otherwise, keep watching because you will benefit a lot. Secondly, when writing your resume or cover letter, include the correct Keywords and Skills Although I’m not a big fan of submitting applications online, applicant tracking systems scan for specific keywords and experiences and then filter out low-potential candidates.

According to research, job descriptions have an average of 43 keywords, but most applicants’ resumes only have 51. % of keywords which means there are only about 20 keywords. To solve this problem, you can use the free online word cloud tool. I will attach the link below. Copy and paste the job description there.

Write an Incredible Resume: 5 Golden Rules!

Identify the keywords that pop up most often and then use the natural ones. way to add them to the resume Additionally, we have seen that job seeker resumes contain 60% of the required hard skills but only 20% of the required soft skills. This makes sense if compared to the job description of their target role as there are usually skills at the bottom of the resume. /Interests section You can write down hard skills like Excel, Python, SQL, etc. here.

To make sure you include relevant soft skills you can check out the Udemy Workplace Trends report or CNBC summary.

Note down the top 10 hot soft skills that are relevant to you and then add them. Third on resumes , include quantifiable results in resume bullet points Research shows that 26% of resumes include five or more quantifiable metrics and 36%, more than one-third of resumes do not mention any quantifiable results for the company Prefer resumes that include metrics because metrics make numbers more understandable and quantifiable. I can’t stress this enough. If 10 candidates all say they are responsible for planning and executing social media campaigns, it’s hard to know who performed better when it comes to resume writing.

Job seekers who follow the sentence “My activities increased sales revenue by 30% year-on-year” will stand out. There is an X-Y-Z resume formula like this. Use the number Y to present your past achievements X, and Z is the method to achieve the achievements. Give an example. , if you’re a content marketing manager your takeaways are that we A/B tested content layouts and worked with partner marketing partners as a result, 2,500 people subscribed to our monthly newsletter and we saw a 43% year-on-year revenue increase Professional advice, many A person may be executing projects that do not directly impact revenue or growth rate.

For example, you are developing an internal tool for your company. In this case, you could say that your improvement efforts increased the productivity of your sales team by 33%.

That is, by X Fourth, make sure your resume is between 475 and 500 words long. First, this is because studies show that resumes that stay within this range have twice the interview pass rate than resumes that exceed this range. Second, in all O.M.A. Among the resumes studied by Sting, 77% were less than 475 words or more than 600 words. From a statistical point of view, if your resume is 500 words, you will naturally be at an advantage compared to other job seekers. Of course, I want to emphasize that there are exceptions to this if it comes to career levels and educators.

If you are a professor, federal employee, or C-level executive, you may have a resume or cover letter that is 2 or 3 pages long and over 1,500 words long. That is completely fine. Problems for people who don’t fall into this category What this research means is that number one don’t fill your resume with keywords it doesn’t matter how many keywords your resume has.

Only write keywords that fit the job. Number two many people Have been doing this since middle school.

Use word count tools in Word or Google Docs to make sure your resume word count stays within that range. Fifth, this is a big no-no for any recruiter, hiring manager, or resume reader with empty content. Don’t use fancy words. We are all motivated by our passion. We are detail-oriented and team players.

We all have creative minds. Who does n’t love talking about the synergies between different products? If you’re having a hard time accepting this, imagine Recruiters review more than 30 resumes every day. According to research, 51% of resumes contain empty flourishes.

Empty flourishes are unnecessary and can be eliminated.

Your resume should sell your experience rather than summarize it here. A very practical solution is to Google “resume empty flowery words” to delete all the empty flowery words in your resume and upgrade it in time. Austin’s research results are the most basic things? Yes, you should include quantifiable results in your resume bullet points. Optimize and add to your LinkedIn profile.

To write a great resume, avoid fancy words. Hopefully the numbers behind this study will convince you that these non-negotiable bullet points can. Gives you a foundation to improve your resume. I’ve made a few of these mistakes myself, so check out this video of mine about the five mistakes I made when applying for a management consulting position at Google. See you in the next video.

Good luck…



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