Writing Blog Posts: 7 Powerful Tools You Can Use to Write a Blog Post That CONVERTS

What’s up, everybody? So today, you’re going to learn exactly how to write a blog post. More specifically, how to write an incredible, super engaging blog post that converts. Whole bunch of reasons why you would want to do this, obviously, blogging and content marketing, in general, is a massive piece of a lot of peoples’ businesses now. If you don’t have a really good process in place to create really compelling, high quality blog posts that convert, you’re probably going to have a tough go at content marketing.

So stay for the whole video because we’re going to go through the exact step-by-step process that you need to write really compelling blog posts from scratch. My name’s Tommy Griffith with ClickMinded.com. Let’s get going. Okay, so how to write a blog post and create awesome post outlines, as well.

If you’re trying to write blog posts that convert you’re at the right video, so let’s dig into this. We’re going to be diving into the ClickMinded SOP library for this one. SOP stands for Standard Operating Procedures. It’s a fancy way to say like a really comprehensive checklist. We have a huge number of digital marketing SOPs on our website at ClickMinded.com. Let’s do a quick overview of what we’ll be talking about today before we dive in. So what’s the goal? The goal here is to create blog post outlines that will enable you to write better content and make your writing process easier and more streamlined.

The ideal outcome?

Is that you and everyone on your team will have this really efficient process that will enable you to create really high-quality content that attracts users to your site regardless of your business. So, the prerequisites we really recommend you have a decent idea of keywords, kind of how that works. It would be really helpful if you have SEO strategy in place, more specifically like a keyword research strategy in place. There are a ton of resources for you on keyword research at ClickMinded.com, go ahead and click that link down below to grab some of those if you would like.

Why is this important right? Well, having a really good thorough process to crate blog posts is incredibly important for your content marketing strategy, if SEO is a strategy this is massively important. If there’s any parts of your business that relies on the content in your blog than this is going to be a very valuable process for you. Content creation can be very time consuming but preparing an outline, which we’re going to do today, that helps you kind of streamline the creation of these blog posts can really speed things up quite a bit.

Where is this done?

This will be done in your browser, in Google Docs, Google Sheets and a couple of third-party applications, we’re going to be talking about those in a little bit. When is this done? This will be done whenever you need to create a new blog post. You’ll go through this process anytime you need to create a new blog post. And who does this?

Anyone on your content creation team. So, we’re going to be using a ton of different tools in order to create this blog post and this blog post outline. And so we’re going run through all of those now. First we’re going to be using BuzzSumo, we’ll be using the Sumo Headline Generator, our Readability Testing Tool, the Moz Title Tag Tool, Sumo’s Power Word document, the CoSchedule Headline Analyzer and then we have two templates we created for you as well. We have all of these resources for you in the link down below, go ahead and click that now to grab those now.

Okay, so before we get started, I want to talk a little about defining your objective in your main keyword here. So, before we start with any blog posts, you’re going to want to define your goal in order to do that, as well as your main keyword and the searcher intent behind that. Right so, we’re going to explain the process of creating an outline for a blog post about hair loss, right so hair loss treatments, will be example that we use today. So, you can also do analysis of other content on similar topic and see how it’s performed. So, I love using Buzz Sumo for this, so we go to BuzzSumo.com, you can sign up for a free trial account and go ahead and do this. So, I can go ahead and type a keyword in here, hair loss treatment under most shared, and I can see, okay wow, there’s a post on IFL Science and they have 35,000 Facebook engagements.

Right so, you’re going to want to open that up and try and get some inspiration there. Here’s one from Ivy Times, hair loss treatment, 32,000 engagements on Reddit right? So, might be another very interesting sort of way to get inspiration and get ideas for my content.

Okay, so I’ve graphed a couple of pieces of content that were on both Sumo to kind of show me what content has performed the best on social. Now, I’m going to open up Google, and I’m just going to enter my primary keyword in there, and I’m going to open up a couple of new posts that I like.

And just see sort of what’s ranking. Right? So, I’m going to grab a couple of pieces of content that went really viral on the subject and then I’m going to grab a couple pieces of content that are ranking really well in Google.

I’m going to grab all these URL’s, I’m going to put them into one document and then I’m going to analyze and try to find any patterns between them right? Are they using a similar headline? Are they coming to a primary conclusion that’s very similar? Are they doing something in the copy that seems to be working, right? So, grab a couple of things that performed really well on social.

Grab a couple of things that are ranking really well. Throw them all into a document and then do an analysis. Okay, so we actually have this doc for you, it’s a template that you can use and take from us, and use for your own purposes. Popular content analysis template, click that link down below to go ahead and grab it.

So I’ve taken a couple of links from both Sumo, kind of stuff that’s performed well on social.

I’ve taken a couple links from Google, I’m going to throw them into this document, and I’m just going to try and find patterns. So we’ve listed out some things you can do here. So I’ve listed out the URL’s, you want to walk through, and I’m just going to list out, okay, what’s the type of content.

Okay, this one’s a walk through, so the walk through, this going to be a list, this one is going to be an interview. Go ahead and list that out.

You’re going to want to try and find patterns in this content. Is it performing more or not? Is it actionable? Is this thing actionable? Yes, this one is.

No, this one isn’t. Yes, this one is, et cetera et cetera. Does it offer great examples? No, this one doesn’t. Yes, this one does.

What’s the age right? How old is it? Okay, less than five months, over two years. And then design and structure, it’s amazing, it’s terrible. You can start to see like okay, if I really want this incredible piece of content to go viral or to rank well on Google, what are some of the other people doing?

What are kind of what should my expectations be? Right? It’s very helpful to go this before you get started. Kind of set expectations like, wow, I’m about it writes this piece of content on this particular keyword, but every single other one that’s ranking or performed well on social is designed amazingly.

Or is a walkthrough or is incredibly actionable.

Right so, it’s kind of doing the analysis now, in order to set your expectations, like as it whether or not you need to really make something a particular type of content, or should it be really actionable? Should it offer really great examples? This will set your expectations and be really helpful. Okay, so another thing you can do before you started is using this Readability Test Tool, we have a link for you down below if you want to grab it. Very simply you input a URL and it tells you kind of how difficult the language is and what kind of level certain people will be at in order to comprehend and understand what you’re writing.

Writing Blog Posts: 7 Powerful Tools You Can Use to Write a Blog Post That CONVERTS

Right so, we found this on one natural hair treatments, it’s on Drakes.com. Drakes.com/hairlossremedies.

We just added URL, your page has an average grade level of an eight.

It should be easily understood by 13 to 14 year olds. That should be a very wide net when you’re talking about hair loss. This is a great tool to kind of figure out how complicated your language is and maybe whether or not you need to kind of dumb it down a little bit. You’re also going to want to make sure you put a lot of time into your headline.

Headlines are massively important.

There are two great tools here that you can use to test your headlines. The first one is the Schedule Headline Analyzer. We have this post we were talking about, the best natural hair loss remedies. We’re going to go ahead and put that into the analysis tool now and it’s going to come back and tell us the score. Okay, 74% on the headline score gives us a little bit of feedback on how we might want to make it a little bit better.

Right? Sumo also has a very cool tool called the Kickass Headline Generator. This is very valuable, really interesting way to generate headlines. They have numbered lists, the topic is making money online, the desired outcome is making money online, the undesirable outcome is feeling broke and the points in the content are 10. We change that to five and undesirable outcome is being sad.

Make money online is the topic and get wealthy is the desired outcome. And then it shows us a bunch of different numbered headlines. Five Ways to Get Wealthy, Number Two is our favorite. Proven Methods for Making Money Online. These are numbered lists, they have how-tos, explanatory, strong, controversial, fun or playful and do it yourself headline formulas.

Great tool, again we have a link to this down below. Two other great tools for your headlines or title tags in general are the Sumo Power Words List, they kind of list out all these really great power words, marketing words they’re also called, marketing power words.

You can use these, we use these all the time, they’re very, very helpful. We have a link to this down below. And the Moz Title Tag Generator is a great one here as well.

Right so, we will go ahead and input a title and then it’ll sort of show us how that looks in Google search results. Okay, so we’ve done a ton of work leading up to this right? And so, now we’re ready to go up to the outline and fill it in. So, remember you have your outline here and you’re very basically just going to take this and fill it all in, right? So, let’s talk a little bit about that.

So, you’re going to go back to your outline file and decide what the best sections will be of your post. So, in the example right it’s a hair loss outline. So we’re going to have our lede, we’re going to have our known causes for hair loss, we’re going to have all the scientific research related to it, including facts about the active ingredient.

We’re going to present the actual treatment, maybe have a bonus like food items that hep minimize it and then some type of conclusion. So, you’ll actually go through this actual outline and just fill these out [inaudible 00:10:19] what’s the objective, what’s the target keyword?

Each section. Kind of list out all the contents of to define and the questions and answers down here.

So, just go ahead and follow this outline and you should be good to go. Okay, so just scrolling down here a little bit more. Going into the details, so let’s talk about the lede, to write what the lede of your post will focus on.

A good post lede meets the following criteria, it’s something that’s very specific, usually has a teaser like, you’re going to find out how the best hair loss treatment works and as bonus the super foods you need to eat.

Short and crisp, no fluff, usually one or two sentences. And you usually want it to contain the keyword and any data and numbers as well. Right so in this example, will be a lede focused on new treatment that has shown great results in fighting hair loss and food items that minimize hair loss. Something like that.

So, if you want to make your job easier, plan your content even further. Write down in your outline the concepts the user needs to understand in order to understand the post and aim to define. So in this example it should be like, hormones that cause hair loss and how active ingredient X works. You can follow a basic Q&A structure in your text body. So establish the questions the user might have and aim to answer them in your post.

And go from very broad to specific. So talk about the problem in general and then go deeper and deeper.

This way it will make sure that users understand what’s going on in your post. Cool, so once you’ve filled out your outline you can go to this checklist we have for you at the bottom and kind of check things off as you go along. Okay, do you have a compelling headline?

Do you have a compelling lede? Do you have a call to action? Testimonials, relevant data or supporting evidence. How long is it? Do you have a relevant giveaway that makes sense?

Good readability score, recommended somewhere between a six or an eight.

How is it structured, I give bullet points or numbered lists, is there video? High quality visuals or short paragraphs. And what about your headline right? Do you have numbers or stats or data in there?

Is it written in second person? Are you targeting the primary key word? Are you communicating very clearly what the blog post is about? Do you have a power word? Are you using the active verb and is it under 65 characters?

So, if you follow this process, you’re going to write awesome blog post outlines which will then lead to awesome blog posts. And so that’s it. That’s how to create a blog post with a really awesome blog post outline.

So, I hope that was useful, if it was helpful and if you learned something today, go ahead and click subscribe down below to get even more digital marketing tactics and tips from us. If you’re on YouTube we’d love a comment.

What did you think? Is this helpful? Are you going to write your blog post this way? Please go ahead and leave a comment right now, I read every single one. Finally, if you want this outline, all the templates we talked about, links to all the resources we talked about, go ahead and click that link down below the ClickMinded.com to grab everything for free, right now. Thanks a lot!



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