Younger Women CHASE Older Men Who Ask “Trigger” Questions

Chasing a girl equals losing her. Chasing a girl equals losing her If chasing a girl means losing a girl, then the opposite is also true. If you can get a girl to chase you, then she’s yours. And if you’re an older guy, the most effective way to get younger women to chase you is through strategic conversation. It’s not so much about what you say, but how you guide the interaction.

And the key lies in asking the right questions. When you know what questions to ask. She is going to do most of the talking, which takes the pressure off of you. Hello. Welcome.

I am Rob Judge, and today we’re going to be shifting the power dynamic by asking the right questions. Most guys, they ask questions simply to keep the conversation going, which is kind of like playing checkers, right? But I’m about to show you how to play chess, where every question you ask is a strategic move to get her to chase you.

But before we get to the questions, let’s quickly go over why specific questions, what I like to call “Chase Trigger Questions,” can get a woman to chase you, especially a younger woman. Because typically men chase women, which almost always fails.

To get a woman to chase you… She needs a reason to chase you. And today, we’re going to cover three types of questions that trigger a woman to chase you for three different reasons.

First up, we have questions that set a standard. These questions, they dangle a carrot which baits her to chase you. Next up we’re going to cover questions that validate. These tap into the Golden Mirror principle making her crave your approval.

Finally, we’re going to go over questions that display authority.

These allow you to subtly showcase your mastery and knowledge, which establishes your value. We’ll use these three triggers carrots, validation and value to turn the tables and to get her to chase. But keep in mind this is going to be a slow burn, not an immediate switch. The goal is to introduce a Chase trigger and then build on it with follow up questions that fan the flames. So now that we’ve laid the groundwork, let’s dive into the questions.

One: Questions that set a standard. If you want a woman to chase you. You have to give her something to chase. Which means you need to set a standard and to set a standard. You have to know what your standards are.

As an older guy, this shouldn’t be that difficult. You should already know what you’re looking for in a woman, and chances are you probably do. However, what you probably don’t do or at least you don’t do effectively, is communicate those standards to the women that you’re interacting with.

Most guys, they don’t set standards. And these often means that the woman sets a standard which makes him chase her, which leads to her losing interest.

Even if you’re one of the few guys that are less comfortable expressing your standards for a woman, chances are that you’re probably going about it in a kind of heavy handed way. Because simply listing your standards and expectations almost always comes off as a bit of a buzzkill, right? While it’s good that you’re setting a standard, you’re doing it at the cost of disrupting the vibe. A much better way to communicate your standards is to embed them in a question. So rather than saying, I like intelligent women, you might ask her, so what’s the last good book that you read?

Or let’s say you like worldly women or adventurous women, you could ask the craziest place that she’s ever been to, or the last country that stamped on her passport. By setting a standard this way, you do a few essential things, right? First, you’re showing her that you have standards, but you’re doing it in a subtle way because you’d only ask her the last good book that you read because it matters to you, which communicates what you’re looking for, and it gives her something to chase.

Even if it’s been years since she wrote a good book, if she tries to answer the question, it sets the frame that she’s trying to live up to your standards. Which gets her in the habit of chasing you.

Now, if a woman doesn’t answer the question, for example, if she says something like, oh, I don’t read, this isn’t the worst thing, actually, because it opens the door for some flirtatious banter. Whenever this happens, what I would do is I’d playfully challenge a right.

So to go back to the reading example, I might say something like you don’t read what? Are you serious? What puts her on the spot a bit right?

And it creates some of that healthy, attractive tension. Now, what I found is that women will often push back to this, right? Maybe she’ll say something like, oh, well, the last good book I read was in high school, or the last good book I read was back in college. So to respond to that, I would usually say something like, oh, well, that makes sense because you stopped reading because no one showed you what the good books are. Now, this gives her a bit of an out, right?

It allows her to agree with me and kind of take my side while maintaining her pride.

But even better, this positions me as someone who knows what those good books are. Now, once again, this is a great way to set a chase free because most women, they’re are at least going to be curious, and they’re going to ask you, like all right, so what are these good books like, what should I read? And by saying that even if she is a bit skeptical, she confirming that you have knowledge that she wants to know. In other words, you have a carrot that you can dangle to get her to chase you.

Think of it like an itch that she’s asking you to scratch. At first, it might just be like a slight itch, right? But the more that you dance around it without scratching it, the more it intensifies. Whenever I get to know a woman, and whenever I can tell that she’s curious about something that I said, or something about my lifestyle or something that came up in conversation, I use that as a chase trigger. So if a woman asked about books that she should be reading, I’d probably respond something like, oh yeah, well, I’ll tell you once I get to know you a little bit better.

Or. Yeah, sure, I’ll give you a reading list in a second. But first I want to know about dot dot dot. And then I would change the subject. Right.

Because I’m dangling the carrot just out of reach. I’m not essentially saying NO but I am saying not yet. Now, if you understand how to dangle a carrot just out of reach, you know the secret to getting a woman to chase you? Two: Questions that validate. Communicating your interest in a woman it’s essential because no one’s going to chase someone that they have no chance with.

However, you need to communicate the right kind of interest and you need to do it the right way. If all you do is shower, a woman compliments and kiss her ass, you’re going to make yourself look desperate and pathetic and you’re most certainly going to kill whatever attraction or even just whatever respect that she might have had for you. A better way to communicate interest is by validating and recognizing her for something she had to work for. Now, this is much different from a flattering compliment which praises her for something that she was just born with, like her looks.

When you validate her, you speak to her on a deeper, more intimate level.

And almost all women find validation more gratifying and more attractive than a meaningless compliment that she’d probably already heard a thousand times before. Now, to do validation the right way. Pay close attention when she’s speaking, because she’s going to tell you exactly the way that she wants to be validated. Now, this is so critical.

The secret to standing out amongst all the other guys vying for a woman’s attention is recognizing her for how she wants to be seen.

In the Unlock the Scrambler course, Bobby Rio and I call this the Golden Mirror because you’re reflecting a woman’s idealized image back to herself. One example that I use in the seminar was I explained in detail how I had met this girl. Right? She was young, busty, blond, and at the time she was working as a stripper, and she actually went on to become a pretty well known porn star.

Younger Women CHASE Older Men Who Ask “Trigger” Questions

So the reason I bring that up because as you can imagine, at first glance this girl looked like your typical sexy bombshell.

But as soon as I started talking to her, I realized that was not the way that she wanted to be seen. I was listening closely when she was talking, closely to what she was saying, and based on what she said and how she chose her words, I very much got the sense that she wanted to be seen as intellectual, as someone who was cultured. Now, I didn’t simply say, wow, you seem really smart because while that’s not a terrible idea. It doesn’t necessarily contribute to the vibe and also too it could come off as a bit supplicating. So instead, I validated her with a question by asking her for a book recommendation.

Specifically, I remember I pulled out my phone and I said, hey, so I just finished the book that I was reading, and since you seem like someone who reads a lot, she had pretty good taste. Give you a book to order from Amazon.

Now, she lit up when I said this and she jumped at the chance to recommend a book. And I remember after I placed the order, I looked up my phone. The expression on her face confirmed that my stock had gone way up in her eyes.

Now notice I didn’t simply just tell her that I thought she was smart or that she had good taste. I found a way to show her that, and it was as simple as embedding validation into a simple question.

Now, most of the never thing to do this, but, you know, really think about this, right? If you tell a woman something that you like about her, and you really meant what you said, you would treat her like someone who has that admirable quality. So in my case, I didn’t just compliment her intelligence.

I started treating her like an intelligent person whose opinion that I respected. Now, understanding this can separate you from every other guy that she’s talking to you. In fact, if I had to pick, like, five dating skills to master the golden mirror with absolute be on that list.

So it’s absolutely skill that you should work to master. And what that means is you need to become an attentive listener.

Listen closely. When a woman’s speaking almost think of yourself like a detective, right? Listen to the words that she’s using, the phrases, the expressions, and really ask yourself, what does she seem to value the most? What qualities seemed most important to her? when I work with a client, right, I often ask them to consider what might she do with their time.

She had a day off from work. Or if maybe if she didn’t have to work at all. Money wasn’t an issue. How would she spend her day? And I also try to have them remember, like a unique word or expression or phrase that she might have said or used.

And I really try to have them consider what that might say about her personality even more. What does that say about how she’s portraying herself? How she wants to be seen? Now, once you’ve zeroed in on a characteristic quality or skill that you think is a core component of her identity, the next step is figuring out how to show her that you see her this way, rather than simply telling her.

As I mentioned earlier, asking her something is often an easy way to do exactly that.

Whether it’s asking for a recommendation, some advice, or even just her opinion, validating her through a question is a very effective way to communicate attractively with women. Three questions that display authority. Any time you’re in authority or mastered something, especially if it’s something that a woman’s interested in, it’s an attraction trigger. Even having a basic understanding can be attractive. But you have to establish your knowledge in an understated way that doesn’t seem like you’re showing off or bragging.

Now, to do this once again, we can use a well-placed question. So to go back to another personal example. Back when I lived in New York, I met this girl in a bar once who told me that she was an editor for fashion magazine, which at the time also happened to be my job. I was also working as an editor. But rather than saying, oh, I’m an editor too, I displayed my insider knowledge.

I displayed the fact that I had authority in that world to request it. I asked her, I said, are you an actual editor or are you an editorial assistant? Now, if you work in publishing, people often say they’re editors, when in reality they’re just editorial assistant, which is actually something I did for a long time.

But again, it’s something that I know because when you work in that industry, that’s what a lot of people do. So when I said that, it actually made her laugh and she responded.

Actually, three weeks ago I got promoted to a full blown editor. So I said, oh, very nice. So your name’s on the masthead, That’s impressive. Now, again, just to put this in context, a masthead is a page or a section in a publication that lists the editorial brass of that publication, which again, most people, they never look at this. But if you work in publishing, this is something that you notice and this is something that you know about.

But even more important, I hope that you’re seeing how questions with insider knowledge and insider jargon can establish you as an authority.

When she told me that she worked in publishing. I could have just said, oh, obligatory or two. But proclamations like that, they often come off as overeager and even more important. They risk killing the vibe.

If you come out and tell a woman, oh, I do that to the conversation. It just goes in a very predictable direction, right? Becomes very interview style, because we can all imagine what would come next. When you say something like that, right, she’s going to say, oh, so what magazine do you work for? How do you like working there?

Oh, do you know so-and-so? That’s why you always want to show a woman your authority or your insider status, rather than simply telling her how. You could also display it for her in a way that draws a woman in, which makes her curious to want to learn more.

Even if she doesn’t have that same insider knowledge, you know, funny enough, when I was preparing one of these YouTube videos, a few weeks back, my girl Adriana, who we may recognize from the intro of this video, she said to me, she said, wow, you’re like an MMJ. And I had no idea what she meant.

So I asked her to explain and she was like, oh, and then MMJ means a “Multi-Media Journalist.” And yeah, just puts it in context. since Adriana does the weather for a Spanish-speaking news station, a term like MMJ comes from a world where she’s an authority. And now, by using that precise term, it baited my curiosity, which reinforced something that I find very attractive, which is that she’s very good. She’s very charismatic at her job.

also, too. I just like to make, quick side note here, some of the best techniques and tactics that you can learn are things that women do to you, because you can backward engineer them and add them to your repertoire. So there you have three types of questions that trigger a woman to start chasing you by dangling a carrot, validating her gold in your and subtly displaying your value.

You tap into powerful attraction triggers that leave a woman wanting more. Now, this topic is so important that I actually plan on releasing more videos about it over the next couple weeks, but for now, start implementing what you learned today.

The next time you talk to a beautiful woman, especially, you’re an older guy and there’s a significant age gap. And if you want an entire crash course in more tactics and more techniques, check out the unlocked Scrambler course which I created with Bobby Rio. Visit w w w dot unlock backslash. Rob was also put right here so you know exactly how to spell it.

For more details and if you enjoyed this video, please like it! Subscribe. Also, follow me on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and X because I post exclusive content all at once and leave a comment below because I love hearing from you guys.

I really enjoy the back-and-forth dialog. Thanks for watching and I will see you next week.

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