How to Write Great Blog Content for Your Customers

You have a fantastic email newsletter that goes out on a regular basis that always has really good content about just it’s not just about writing books, but it’s just about how to write great content. Sometimes it’s about books. Sometimes it’s about blog posts and other times it’s about other types of content. So can you just let’s maybe just share with our listeners um, you know one of the things you and I’ve talked about is how can how can you write better blog posts and how can you like for me I’ll just let me just start that little Bit over again, because i want to just add this little caveat at some stage in my life, I’m going to write a business book.

I’ve got lots of stuff in my head and i am going to write a business book at some stage. But you know the thought is daunting about, even though i’ve got experience as a writer, a paid writer. It’s a daunting thought to try and put all of those words on paper in a cohesive way.

That’s going to be engaging that people are going to want to read, so you were talking to me a while ago about you know the idea of making sure that you can create a series of blog posts and, if you’re smart about it, you can actually turn Those blog posts into an actual book. Can you just talk to us for our listeners and just some pointers and thoughts about that? How to write great blog content with the id in the back of the head that someday you’re going to turn it into a book? Lovely I’d be delighted too so.

First, you know, step one is starting with who, as we’ve already discussed, step, two, i think is defining your objectives for your content. So what are you doing it for and you’re not going to keep doing it unless you are really clear about your objectives, so you might have an objective of building trust amongst a a niche audience. You might have an objective of getting people to sign up to your new setup.

That could be another objective and your other objective could be I’m going to ultimately collect this um material into a book. If that’s one of your objectives, then there’s a very um useful thing to consider uh in terms of your of how you evolve your content over say a year, and that is to make sure you have uh an equal amount of. Why content I’m going to come back and define this an equal amount of what content and an equal amount of how content? So, in a book we want to cover off the? Why so the? Why read this book kind of thing? So, if you are um, you know say your specialty area is leadership.

Then you want to talk about why we need good leadership or why we have bad leadership.

Or why um you? You know you. The leaders who fail to sort of um develop uh have an impact on the bottom line. You know why so we need to meet people with their where their problems are, or we might say you know why aren’t i a great leader i i know all the technical stuff.

So why am i failing to engage my team, so we might start that very, very personal level, so you might write a whole series of blogs or posts um that start to break down the. Why the? Why of the um of your topic?

So in my you know area, why write a book? Why have a blog? Why not just have a marketing page? You know why do we actually have content? And some of this is terribly prosaic. You know we have blog content, because google um has an algorithm that recognizes original content.

That’s Prozac! We have another. Why? For blog uh content is that you know it is incredibly effective for building trust and perception of value a reality of value. I hope um with you with your audience, so consider perhaps trying to cover off um. Perhaps you know eight to ten of your posts around the. Why of your topic, then there’s what so what is where we challenge our audience to think differently.

So, it’s what Trudy brings to the topic that your um is talking about, that’s different to what i bring or what other writers on the topic bring, and we all build on knowledge.

That’s gone before us, so we, you know, i think it was like. Sir Isaac newton, who said we stand on the shoulders of giants but um the uh, so our difference, the different thinking that we bring it doesn’t have to be completely rocket science. So, one difference that i bring is that um uh in in terms of books is that you can write a brilliant book in 90 days. So, there’s lots of people who tell you how to write books.

I tell you how to write a brilliant one. In a short period of time, and that’s the different thinking that i bring to this topic um in terms of so what is it that you think about your topic? That’S different! If it’s um leaders, then maybe it’s about you know, what’s what is the demand of leaders today compared to how to perhaps 10 or 20 or 50 years ago?

That could be one of the areas of what um that you talk about so, and you may even just define it. You know what leadership is. What is leadership today compared to yesterday um, you know what is what is the demand of leadership? So, you can you know it’s really, just if you have, if you, if you’re wonder I’ll, come back to how you generate these ideas, these topics, but you want some on what maybe ten and then you have how you know.

So how uh do you become a great leader how um uh can you behave differently as a leader um? How are leaders created, you know? Are they born or are they made you know, so we really go in to inspire our readers with how content um. So, what you end up with at the end of your year, perhaps if you’re, if you’re blogging, every uh every fortnight, you’ll end up with 26 posts, so you might divide them evenly between the.

Why the what and the how and that will work quite elegantly to bring together the basis, at least for your book um, so you’ve covered off your three objectives, the third one being perhaps to pull those together at the end um into a book. In my first book, sticky, content um is really a collation of my first few years of content around blogging, so i did it myself.

In that case, no, i think that that’s really useful, because it helps to take something that sounds really big and scary and overwhelming and breaks it down into bite-sized chunks, where you’re just doing one blog post every fortnight and in a year’s time you’re going to have It the first draft at least of a book, and then obviously you have people who help with the editing and things like that. Well, at least, i would.

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Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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